Meeting a New Suitor

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Sebastian suggested that I do something outside of the manor and work. His suggestion included going to a ball honoring some new boy who came of age recently. It sounded like a waste of time to me, given that I had recently been attacked, however I was being forced to go; Sebastian arranged the play date. This was embarassing considering that I am old enough to not say "play date" when meeting somebody. I grumbled and refused to come out of my room.
"Miss Aria, please, you must meet this boy. He seems quite interested in you." I could hear the smile in his voice and it bothered me. "It's too soon, Sebastian. I'm still trying to get over being attacked by Kain." He cleared his throat. "What a better way than to meet this new boy? Hmm? Don't you think you should at least try?" No... "Fine, but you and the staff are coming too. I refuse to be left alone with that boy, let alone his friends and family without somebody at my side at all times." Sebastian smiled once more and it was eerie to think I could see the smirk without seeing it physically. "As you wish Miss Aria. Shall we go to town and find you a nice gown to wear?" In all honesty, I hated dresses. You had to wear corsets or special brassiers that made your boobs push up to your chin and furthermore you couldn't breathe worth a damn. Somehow I find myself thinking Sebastian sometimes enjoyed making me feminine as a way to indirectly torture me, and rather too much I may add. However, now was not the time to sit and think on that as I was being made to answer questions. "Would you also like to find him a gift?"
    Suddenly I found myself being dragged by the hand into a dress shop and the shopkeep looked me over. "She is a bit scrawny but I may have something for her." Excuse me? Scrawny? Was my hearing a bit off or did she call me scrawny? Sebastian looked at me, feeling my anger.

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