Sebastian's Answer

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After Kain had been dealt with, I remained in my room for quite a few days. The staff became worried about me, attempting to get me to come out of my room and eat something. I went out of my room, but said nothing, ate nothing, did nothing. Sebastian noted this and kept silent for the most part. He simply asked the staff to dial it back and leave me be for a bit.
I debated on staying in my room again, but Sebastian asked me to stay with him for the day. So, I did. I followed him around all day, doing things with him as he got his chores done.
It was late that afternoon, and Sebastian spoke to me, asking me to sit. I sat, and listened to him. "You are a young Lady, Miss Aria. Eligible, of noble birth, and beautiful. Anybody would be lucky to have such a brilliant woman at their side." I looked at him. "He almost raped me, Sebastian..."

"Yes, I am aware, miss Aria, but he has been dealt with and he will never do anything like that again." His concern was getting thick and I knew he was going to ask me to eat. "Will you please eat something? You are looking unhealthily thin and that can not be safe for you, miss Aria." I grumbled. "Fine... I will eat..." Sebastian smiled and pat my head. "Thank you miss Aria. It means a lot to me."

Once I sat at the table, I stared at my plate. The food looked good, but I just couldn't feel hungry. The staff watched as if I were about to do something so breath-taking that they couldn't miss it. I took a bite pf an apple slice, and they let out a unison sigh of relief. "I thought you were afraid of my cookin'!" Michael said, and Mary-Anne begain to say something indiscernable while Sebastian just smiled at me. I sighed and set the fork down. "Miss Aria, please eat more than a bite of apple," Sebastian said quietly to me.

"Then have the staff do something other than stare at me while I eat... Its weird and I don't like being watched at meal time." The butler nodded and asked the staff to attend to their chores. They did as they were told and only he remained. "Anything else Miss Aria?" I shook my head.

Once more, I tried to eat, and there was a knock at the door. "I shall answer it miss Aria, worry not." Surely as he had answered, there came a voice of another man. "I am here for the lady Aria, please."

Sebastian led the man to the table and waved a hand towards me. "This is she. May I ask your business here, my lord?" Lord? Since when did Sebastian call anybody a Lord?

"Good day, miss Aria, I believe you may not recall who I am, but that's quite alright. We were long childhood friends, but were separated once you were captured. My name is Thomas James the third." He extended his hand to me, palm up as if I would give him my own hand. I just looked at him. Sebastian cleared his throat, "Pardon me Thomas, but the lady has had some unfortunate mishaps of late. Please do not think her rude if she does not allow you to be formal in your greetings or personal in exchanging information." The lord nodded.

"My apologies, miss Aria, but I understand you being cautious. I will respect your boundaries."

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