Preparing For a Ball

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I stood in the room, feeling stiff and unable to breathe. Sebastian brought the dress and helped me get into it. "Miss Aria you are a vision of elegance and grace." Glaring at him, I managed to squeak out something. "I hate that I have to wear a corset." He chuckled. "But it keeps your figure shapely and your dress from ripping." Like I gave a damn about that. I hated dresses anyways. The others came to help with shoes, make up and hair. At the end, I was even given a large feathered hat. "I look like a bird died on my head." Michael smiled. "I think you look lovely Miss Aria!" With a sigh, and then a short breath in, I thanked him. "I suppose we shall go to this....Ball... And meet this new man." Sebastian smiled. "Of course Miss Aria. However, he is about two hours time from this manor. The party isn't for another four hours." Upon hearing this, I got mad. "Four....Hours?" Why was I in the dress?!
    "Get me out of this.... I refuse to stay in this for two more hours!" Yet another smile from Sebastian. "My lady, the boy is here." Suddenly I felt insecure again and a bit nervous. "I will not see him. I refuse. This is unacceptable that he knows my address." Mary-Anne held her hands in front of herself and looked down. "Miss Aria, I may have been to blame, I am. I was talking business with another maid and I told her the manor's  address I did. My apologies miss." How could I be so angry at her? She was sincere in her apologies. "Fine, but don't let it happen again please." It was then that Michael spoke up. "What're we gonna do with the boy? We can't let 'im in then send 'im home." Sebastian agreed. "It would be quite rude." I sighed and crossed my arms as best I could. "Fine.... I will have tea and no more. After tea, I'm getting out of this dress and having a bath." They seemed to agree to that. "Very well Miss Aria."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2017 ⏰

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