Kain's Departure

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I woke to find I couldn't breathe. It was almost as if somebody was sitting on my stomach and chest. When I opened my eyes, Kain was sitting on me. "Oh good you're awake!"

"Please get off of me," I squeaked. "Sebastian!" The latter entered and replied, "yes, miss Aria?" Sebastian saw Kain and nodded. Using his polite intimidation to pick Kain up and move him towards the door.

"Mr. Kain, it is informal to enter a lady's room, and furthermore, it is informal to sit on a lady while she sleeps." He had succeeded in intimidating Kain. I saw absolute fear on Kain's face.

Sebastian scooted him out the door. "What would you like for breakfast, miss Aria?" I thought for a moment. "Perhaps an omelette and some bacon, please?" How I wished I could be like Sebastian in being politely intimidating.

Kain whimpered, having been taken away from me. "I didn't wish to be engaged to anybody, Sebastian." He nodded. "Miss Aria, your parents thought it best you marry into another wealthy family to give you a better life. You would be well taken care of." I scoffed. "He can't hardly take care of himself." Sebastian smiled slightly, holding back a chuckle. "Perhaps, miss Aria, but can you afford to deny his question currently?" I thought for a moment. "Can I afford to have an immature fiancé who constantly breaks etiquette and rules?"

    Once again, Sebastian smiled. "Perhaps he has not had the proper help to aid his upbringing that you did. Quite possible I must say."

    "Yeah, you might be right." His eyes shown with mischief and I wondered what he was thinking. "Don't tell me you are planning to teach him how to be a Lord..." Sebastian denied it.

    "It is not my place my Lady," he smirked. "I am simply a butler who wishes to serve his lady. However, I feel sorry for the one who does take up that title of etiquette instructor. I remember when I taught you, miss Aria. Such fond memories, indeed."

    He was revelling in the past and I could only just watch him and wonder what he saw. I didn't remember much of my past, and I could only blame the ones responsible for the mark on my side.

    Kain had been picked up by his father, and he did not go peacefully. It was odd seeing an thirteen year old acting like a five year old. Was something wrong with him? "Sebastian, did I act like that when I was five?" Sebastian chuckled and responded, "no, miss Aria, you were by far more refined."

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