Business as Unusual

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I looked out at the factory which seemed abuzz with workers and machinery. There were so many faces I did not know. "Your father would be proud of you," Sebastian said and placed a gentle hand on my shoulder. "But he's dead," I said sternly and turned away from him. I could not forgive the people who took them from me.

Sebastian could tell I was mad and followed me. "Shall I make you some tea,miss Aria?" I sighed. "Sure, why not?" He began to get things in order as he made the tea, then placed a cup in front of me, pouring it into the cup and also placing a cake beside it. "I find this cake to be my best yet. Would you confirm it?" Was this his way of apologizing? Taking a bite of the cake, it really was his best, and I told him so. I sipped my tea and ate the cake in my office. After a short bit, I felt tired, near falling asleep on my desk. Sebastian noticed this and picked me up, taking me to the carriage and driving me home.

When Sebastian put me in bed, I had woke just enough to ask him to stay. He did as I asked, watching me sleep. I slept for about two hours and then woke to find Sebastian still there, with vioin in hand. "Would miss Aria care for some music?" As sweetly as he asked, I declined. "Not currently, if you please...I must go to the bath and rid myself of this day. Stress is unbecoming of a lady."

"You are quite right miss Aria. Shall I play for you later then?" I nodded and got up to go to the bathroom. Sebastian, make sure that nobody comes and disturbs me." Sebastian bowed and replied, "yes, miss Aria."

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