Family Acquaintance Cont.

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As we returned to the room at the inn, I drew out termination papers and sighed. The man was a jerk, but I wanted the children and adults to enjoy the candies I made. "Sebastian?"

"Yes, my lady?"

"How did that man know my parents?"

"He was mainly a business partner, miss Aria, but he also was a friend of your father's."

"Oh, I see. Well, I have a chore for you to do, if you please. Locate the town closest this one so that we can expand our distributaries and the children and adults don't have to lose any priveledges they had here." Sebastian genuinely smiled. "Yes, my lady. It would be my absolute pleasure." He turned and walked out.

Mary-Anne came in and sat on the bed. "Sebastian is a bit scary, he is. Mind if I ask 'ow it went miss Aria?" I shook my head. "Just another man frightened by the power a woman holds, Mary-Anne. I don't want to sound rude, but I would like to sleep, if that's alright with you."

"But of course! Should I have Michael make you some tea? I could have 'im make ya some chammomile, I could!" I decided that would be nice and nodded. "Yes, thank you."

I chose the sapphire night gown and dressed myself, looking out of the window towards the town where I escaped. "Sorry father, but that man is not to be trusted."

Mary-Anne came into the room with the tea and a small cake. "Michael thought you should 'ave a li'tle sweet before you go to bed."

"Im not sure that's smart, but who am I to judge?" I ate the cake and drank the tea, lying down as Sebastian came back. "My lady Aria, should I tell you my gindings, or simply tell you tomorrow?" Yawning, I asked him to tell me tomorrow and to please play me a song so that I could sleep. "Yes, miss Aria."


"Miss Aria, it's time to wake up." Sebastian placed a gentle hand on my cheek and traced it with the backs of his fingers. "Shall we go to the town I found closest or should we go home?"

"Let's check out the town. I would prefer that we not make a lot of trips if we don't have to." He nodded and began helping me dress and prepare for the trip ahead of us. Mary-Anne, and Michael helped load the carriage as well and we were soon on our way.

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