Meeting a Family Acquaintance

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He sat in front of me at the had of a long dining hall table. I was at the far end, almost to the point I couldn't hear him. "What brings you to our small neck of the woods, hm?" I thought he knew of our business meeting. Before I could speak, Sebastian spoke up.

"We are here on business. You see, you are one of our investors and we simply have to check that your interest is solely on benefactoring us as well as the others do. It is merely good business practice, you understand." I looked at him, doing that almost fake pleasant smile that only I knew was fake. Something inside told me Sebastian knew something about this man that I did not.

"I feel you are asking for more money. If that is the case, I deny you that request. However, the children of this town are quite alright with the sweets you made and those who tend to eat the most make up nearly 90% of our revenue. Perhaps a different investor is to blame for lower numbers." I didn't like what he said and looked at Sebastian.

"When we observed the numbers and the investors in the area, yours were one of the lower districts we sold to. Now, if you don't mind, we would like to see the paperwork you have that supports your statement, otherwise, you should be terminated of your distributions." Sebastian's fake smile was now a firm line upon his face. I had thought perhaps it was a bluff but he wasn't falsifying anything.

"I cannot deny a lady her request, but I am inclined to ask what I gain in return for the paperwork?" Again Sebastian returned the fake pleasant smile. "But of course. You not only keep your distribution rights, but also get a small raise if indeed you are not the lowest. I am also inclined to apologize and we leave you alone for a bit. Is that what you were inquiring?" Sebastian had a sharpness in his voice that I detected, but the man didn't.

"I want the girl," he said behind folded hands, his eyes narrowed. Sebastian frowned. "Why do you want the Lady Aria?"

"She is of value...and a woman of value holds some power, yes?" I began to feel uncomfortable. "Our Lord, the Count, has been eager to find somebody who could bring him more power. What a better way than your Lady, there? I will finally become the Count's right hand man and confidant!" He licked his lips. I shuddered at the thought. "What if I refuse?" I asked sharply.

"Women are to be seen, not heard," he replied, and I glared at him. "Sebastian, I wish to leave. I refuse to do business with such a pig-like man who is greedy and disrespectful towards his business partners." I got up to leave, and Sebastian turned as we exited the room, "Consider this your termination. My lady Aria will see to it that you get your papers promptly. Good day."

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