Going Home pt 2

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Sleeping was a bit harder to do now. Every time I closed my eyes, I saw the masked faces of those who hurt and captured me. "No one will miss you," they said, "you will help the military!" Most of the time it was just, "shut up and take it," if I was allowed to be awake. It seemed I was only good for being ordered around in that place, and I never liked it.

Fortune smiled on me, however, for I had chance lucked upon finding a cart going towards Queen's Crossing. The man driving the cart said to hop on and he would take me there. Mr. Rutager had also paid for me some clothing, so I was no longer bare; another blessing I wished to repay. As we rode along, I heard the horse whinny, the wheels creak, and a summer's breeze blow. Birds chirped, dogs barked, and people seemed so friendly. "You live in Queen's Crossin' eh?" the man spoke softly.

"Yes, sir," I said politely. "Did you 'ear of the fire dat ravaged a big mansion dere?" My head drooped. "Yes...it belonged to my family, sir." I became quiet, and rather unwilling to interact with him more. The man noticed.

"I'm sorry dere miss, my appologies. I din't mean anithin' by't."

His voice was soft, sincere, and almost nervous about his mistake, but I simply looked down. "How could you have known?" I said in return, looking now at the horse who seemed to move easily along the path. To myself, I thought, 'Someday, I will show those men at that institution just who they should not have messed with.'

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