Not as it Seemed

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"This used to be the town I was held in all those years ago. I was helped by lovely people who hated the town just east of them because of what they did. These people were so kind and hospitable, and now...mere zombies... This is unacceptable."

My associates looked at me with surprise. "Miss Aria, would it be too painful to tell us what happened there to you?" Sebastian asked softly.

"I guess all I can say is that I was held captive and injected with stuff, but it didn't work, thank God." Mary-Anne began to cry. "It's just so terrible!" she wailed. Rolling my eyes, I looked out the window. "I'm okay and that's all that matters now." The rest of the ride was silent and I could feel their stares.

Sebastian consoled the wailing maid and Michael smoked a cigarette. "I guess I can't be too complacent with all that's happened. Rumor has it that some of those scientists are still alive and working on something. Perhaps something bigger than what they were working on nine years ago. But, what do I know? It could just be a rumor." They looked at me still, and I looked out the window.

"Here we are miss Aria, our lodgings for the night." Sebastian said with a grin. "I hope it is to your likings." It was the old inn, done up a bit but not as nice as when she had been there last. "I suppose."

Once settled, I sat on the bed and sighed. Mary-Anne asked if I was ok. "Memories," I said and looked out the window. "I kin talk with you if you like? Or I kin listen, I kin!" Once again, I sighed. "You would cry if you found out what happened. I can't bring myself to do that to any of my associates." She nodded. "Yes miss Aria, I understand, I do."

I looked atthe ceiling and the floor, then looked to see if a mark I had left was in this room. It was indeed the very room I had stayed in prior. That made the feelings that much deeper.

Sebastian came in and sent Mary-Anne away. "Time for your night gown miss Aria. Would you like blue or emerald?" I liked them both but looked at him. "You choose, Sebastian, I can't seem to focus right now." He nodded. "Very well, miss Aria. Emerald it is." He placed it on the bed and turned around. I put the gown on and crawled into my bed where he then tucked me in. "Shall I play something for you, my Lady?" I nodded. "Yes, please, Sebastian. Thank you." He smiled.

"Things will get easier, I promise." He got out his violin and played a soft melody.

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