Business and a New Maid

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I woke to see a woman standing beside me. "Who are you?"

"My name is Mary-Anne, my Lady. I am your new maid."

"Maid?" I raised an eyebrow, "I didn't hire a..... Sebastian...." She smiled. "I believe that is his name," she replied. "And why are you in my bed chamber?" Again, she smiled. "I was ordered to clean your room, Miss Aria. Unless, you would like me to start somewhere else?" I looked at her with question. "Sebastian?" Within seconds, he was in the room. "Yes, my Lady?" I pointed to Mary-Ann. "Was this your doing?" Sebastian nodded. "Yes my Lady, I figured that we needed a maid to help keep the manor nice and tidy. Does this displease you?"

I shook my head. "No, but I would like for you to ask me, or at least tell me next time, please. I do not enjoy waking to a stranger in my room. Especially after what all happened not too long ago." He nodded, "Yes, my Lady. As you wish." Michael came around the corner with a tray of food. "Breakfast, my Lady. I made yer favorite!"

He had indeed made my favorite meal. Pancakes, eggs, bacon, and some juice. Sebastian even seemed surprised. "You...made....this?" the butler asked. Michael nodded, a cigarette hanging out of the corner of his mouth. "Yeah. You gotta problem with it?"

"It would seem that you are overloading miss Aria with calories she does not need. A proper lady needs to have a balanced meal, meaning more fruit, and at least one form of starch. Vegetables are optional,and meat can be substituted." I rolled my eyes. "Sebastian, it's fine. Besides, I will be working it all off today before lunch regardless. I know you worry about me, but there is no need for that."

After a pause, I finished, "Now will everybody please leave me be?" They nodded, bowing and leaving as I asked. Another man entered. "Pardon me, miss Aria, but I am here to ask you about your business. It appears that your company has begun to plateau and are in need of some fresh new ideas. Any thoughts?"

"Excuse me, Mr. ?" I looked at him and raised an eyebrow. "Are you somebody Sebastian hired?" He smiled, "Yes, I was hired by Sebastian. He told me that you needed some help, miss Aria. A twenty-three year old can not simply run a company all by her lonesome." It was clear to me that Sebastian was trying to arrange help for me. "I see... And tell me, you aren't robbing from me?" He smiled more. "Of course not miss Aria. I am merely your assistant."

"Fine. I suppose you will do. Now leave me be, I am eating."

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