Back to Now

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Sebastian and Michael were so happy to be back at the manor. I was happy to have men I could trust that could also protect me. The first night back, I was nervous and maybe a bit scared, and asked Sebastian to stay with me. He had until I fell asleep. Michael went to his room, and I could understand.

The room was dark, as it was at the labs, and I had heard noises I was unfamiliar with that made me nervous. Sebastian brought out his violin and played a lullaby. My eyes began to close and I drifted to sleep. A couple hours later, I woke suddenly, screaming. Both Sebastian and Michael came in, Sebastian with a candleabra and Michael with his rifle. Sebastian came to my side and sat on the bed, soothing my long blonde hair. "Miss Aria, are you still having those nightmares?"

At twenty-three, you would think it would have gone away. Sadly, they did not. "Yeah," I answered, drenched in my own sweat. Sebastian frowned. "Shall I use the old way to put you back to sleep?"

I frowned too. "I don't think anything will work, Sebastian... And Michael, you can put your rifle away... It was just a bad dream." He nodded and put it away. "Aye, Miss Aria, you okay?" I nodded, wiping the sweat from my brow. "You gave us quite a scare, you did." To that, I replied, "I'm sorry. Both of you."

They nodded, and Sebastian left for a second, returning with some tea. "This will help us all go back to sleep. Hopefully we can all have sweet dreams as well." I took the tea, sipping it until it was all gone. Their eyes remained on me for a bit and then I began to lose focus on the world. "Sebastian.....what tea... Is...this?" He smiled. "Chamomile, my lady." It became harder for me to stay awake, and I began to go down. Little did I know, Sebastian had added some magic to the tea in my cup.

Michael looked at him. "Did you 'ave to?"

"Yes. Can you take one more night of waking up to her screaming about those bloody doctors?" Michael thought for a second and then answered No. "I didn't think so."

"Must you use your magic though? It almost seems in'umane that way, bloke." Sebastian frowned. "Inhumane is treating a young lady as an animal. She is, but they don't know the power she possessed. Their mistake. However, now is her time to shine, and she must revive her empire. We are here to help."

The Australian nodded and watched her in silence.

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