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I was called to a business trip in another town. It was decided that all of my employees would come with me. I called it a holiday mainly because I knew they worked so hard all the time.
They were more than happy to come along and Mary-Anne even sang along the way. Sebastian played his violin and Michael just smoked. I sat in the carriage, watching the scenery go by.

"Let's stop here for lunch," I said, looking out at a meadow as the carriage came to a stop. "A lovely place, miss Aria," Sebastian said.

"Thank you." I looked around as we all ate. It was serene, and lush. The entire meadow was green and full of life. Everybody enjoyed their lunch as far as I knew. Once finished, we loaded back up and I grew a bit tired. The staff noticed, and Sebastian spoke up. "Excuse me, miss Aria, but perhaps you should take a nap?" My eyes felt heavy, and I at first resisted, but then without notice, I had seen black in falling hard to sleep.

Michael finally spoke up. "Ey Sebastian, d'ya know where we're goin' to?" Sebastian's smile became a thin, firm line on his face. "Unfortunately, yes, I do. It is not a place we go to often, but have to go to when summoned. I warn you, this town is a bit....superstitious....if you will." They all looked at him. "Superstitious?" Mary-Anne asked. "Tha's what 'e said," Michael said, and lit another cigarette.

The carriage grew silent. "Be that as it may, we are to stay together, for miss Aria needs us." Sebastian smoothed his black jacket. "Why is it so dark up ahead?" Mary-Anne asked, pointing to the front of the carriage. "The town we are going to is supposedly cursed. Thus the superstition, you see. It is unclear, really, of what it is the town believes, be it a deity, or simply it's just a cult, nobody is certain. However, the 'mayor' of the town is who we are here to see. Rather, miss Aria is here to see." Sebastian looked at me, and smiled. "My every confidence is in her."

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