How Dare You?

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P.O.V. Mary

I woke up and went straight in the kitchen. Michael was there, his head in his hands. Ashton was sitting next to him, looking at him concerned.

-          ­What’s up? I said in my husky morning voice.

-          Oh, Mary… said Ashton. I was still half awake so I wasn’t paying attention to what he said.

I grabbed a box of cereal and a bowl.

-          How dare you? Said Michael, fuming.

-          What do you mean? I said, not even looking at him.

-          YOU KISSED HARRY!. He yelled, throwing the box of cereal on the ground.

-          I kissed Har- wait what? I said, now fully awaken.

-          You kissed him yesterday night!

-          Who told you…? I said, sheepishly.

-          Niall. But that’s not the point Mary! Why did you kissed? What did I do to you?

-          Michael, he kissed me! I didn’t. We danced for a while and he kissed me. That’s what happened.

-          And you kissed me back. Said a flirty voice near the door.

I turned back and saw Harry leaning on the door. I rolled my eyes at how annoying Harry could be sometimes. I grabbed Michael’s arm and pulled him outside of the flat. He leaned on the wall, his eyes remaining on the ground, his hands deep in his pockets. I traced my forefingers on his torso up to his face. I pushed gently on his chin to make him look at me.

-          Look, love. I was drunk and I didn’t know what I was doing. I was with Callie but when she left, Harry joined me on the dance floor. He danced close, I have to admit but when I figured it was too close, I left the dance floor to avoid any problems. He followed me and kissed me. Michael, I know it was a bad idea and I’m truly sorry. Are there any chances that you’ll forgive me?

He looked at me in the eyes. I felt uncomfortable to see how sad he was. I didn’t mean to cheat, honestly. But I’d truly understand if he wanted to break up. I would if he’d cheat on me.

-          You are already forgiven. As soon as I heard that it was Harry, I forgave you. I know my lads and Harry’s not the best guy I’ve known so far. He’s an awesome pal but he doesn’t care about other’s feelings. I understand how you feel though. Having your celebrity crush to kiss you must be awesome.

-          You’re my celerity crush, now, Michael. I said, wrapping my arms around his neck

He leaned forward and kissed me with passion. I still felt an inch of guilt inside me since I thought it felt good to kiss Harry.

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