Stop It...Stop It Now

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"Eve! Stop you look fine, I look fine now lets get going!" Sam screamed into my apartment.

I was already dressed, it's just normally that I'm screaming at my reflection this early in the morning. Today I actually enjoyed the outfit that I chose.

Sam froze when he saw me drinking my coffee in my kitchen. I watched as he blinked twice, then shook his head. His eyes watched me carefully, "Who are you?"

"A girl who couldn't sleep," I groaned, "At all!"

"Why? Is it with that Louis kid?" Sam smiled sadly taking my almost full cup of coffee for himself.

"W-What? N-No! What goes on in that head of yours?" I choked nervously, looking down at the bar counter in front of me.

Sam's eyebrow rose over the rim of the glass, that was cemented to his face. Finally he brought the cup down, "If it involves the waiter, then I know what I'm thinking is correct. Anyways I know you're lying."

"Fine," I huffed and told him everything that went on last night. Stopping right after taking Niall to get breakfast.

"Wow, we will talk about this later," Sam sighed standing up and checking his expensive watch, "We're going shopping after work today."

I sighed over dramatically. I knew I was due for a shopping experience with Sam again, because if he didn't make me I wouldn't shop. It has been over two months since the last worthy shopping day. We always go during our lunch break.

"Guess what time it is?" Sam sang walking into my office cubicle.

"Shopping time?" I gave Sam a weak smile, rubbing the sleep from my eyes from watching the Computer screen all day and Sam taking my morning coffee.

"Good job, you actually remembered," Sam applauded, which I bowed lazily.

"Lets go!" I snapped, with a smile making Sam act like a soldier.

"Sam let's leave," I groaned, carrying seven heavy shopping bags isn't easy.

"Okay we'll put the bags in your car, then head to Steamers," Sam smiled walking to my car.

How he doesn't get tired while shopping, blows my mind. Seriously! He could still shop if he wanted to. I feel like I might snap my legs off from boredom, heavy lifting, and walking a million miles.

Pulling in front of Steamers and parallel parking horribly, we jump out and walk in. Sam held the door open for me and we walked in elbow in elbow, talking about how tired and lazy I am. Suddenly arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me into them. Their touch burned my skin in a good way, making me feel warm. Have you ever been slapped, and after the initial pain there's that warm fuzzy feeling? Yup, that's a lot like this feeling.

"Hey Eve," Louis' voice entered my ear, after realizing it's Louis I turned around and pushed off of him.

"Stop it. . .Stop it now," I snap turning bright red.

Sam looked like he was about to burst out laughing, and I believe that send my flushed cheeks into overdrive. Louis just used the rag in his back pocket to cover the front of his face so he could laugh in private.

I don't know when, but eventually someone started yelling at Louis to get back to work. The guy was friendly about it but Louis smirked and looked to the boss, "Oi! Tell this woman to stop flirting with me!"

I went to go defend myself, but my voice got stuck in my throat. Louis raised his eyebrows at me and kept opening his mouth whenever I thought I would say something. Eventually I grunted and crossed my arms like a child and stomped off. I heard Sam mutter to Louis "Children" and my face went a notch redder. I looked at Sam and started to hiss in his direction, "Why would you let him do that since I'm practically dating Niall?"

Sam gave a shrug, and stared at me innocently.

"Eve?" A familiar voice rang out and I turned my head and saw Niall walk in, slipping off a jacket.

I gave a small wave, "Hey."

Niall jogged over to me, and placed a kiss on my cheek. I turned my head and placed a kiss on his lips, causing him to smile. Giving me butterflies, of course. Niall greeting Sam with a nice greeting, "So Eve, I was wondering if I could take you on a real date? I was thinking we never really had a proper date. So dinner and a movie?"

Niall was blushing, "How could I say no?"

I leaned over and gave Niall a kiss on the lips. Till a ginger yelled from behind the counter, "Hey mate! This is work, not a make out with your girlfriend time, save that for break."

Niall laughed into the kiss and said his farewell, while Louis came over to us with a black coffee and a frozen caramel drink. Sam smiled at Louis with a knowing smile, "Here you go."

I raised an eyebrow and looked into the coffee, "Not a grain of sugar or creamer right?"

Louis chuckled, "Not a single grain."

I placed a ten in his pocket, "Split that with Niall."

Louis leaned into me, his warmth familiar, "Never."

I pushed him back. Mostly because my heart and breathing stopped. Sam smiled in my direction and looked away, not wanting me to see his smile. Frowning at Louis I looked at his beanie and took it off of his head and put it on my own. Feeling like I defeated Louis I looked up at him, to see him smirking, "What are you smirking at?"

"You look adorable," Louis laughed, taking his hat back.

I shook my head forward putting my hair back into place. Louis winked at me before walking away. Sam just giggled, "He likes you, and I need to use the restroom."



Okay, drama next chapter, like real drama not the lies I've been feeding you. Oh, and maybe a Sam's point of view!

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