So, How About That Bet?

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"So Eve, how about we have a you and me day?" Louis asks breaking the radio filled silence, over breakfast.

"Today? But I have to have a discussion with Niall today," I said, chewing my pancake on one half of my mouth and picking around the plate with my fork.

"I know, but afterwards. How much of London have you seen yet?" Louis said devouring his food.

I thought about it, "Just around here, I never really looked around the big city. I've passed the eye thing and the Big Ben, but never stopped and stared."

"Okay, so we'll go sightseeing today," Louis said bobbing his head and nodding happily, "It will be good before you have to go back to work tomorrow."

"Ugh, yeah. I seriously don't feel like going back," I huffed finishing the last pancake, "But yeah, I hope you're a good tour guide because I ask a lot of questions."

"I have my iPhone, so I'll google everything," Louis said with a smirk, and winking in my direction.

I blushed and hid my face behind my hair. Louis chuckled and I stood up taking my plate with me. Starting dishes I felt Louis' arm push past me and he put his dish in the sink. His lips brushed across my ear, and his hand hit my waist. My breath wasn't moving and I practically could feel his smirk radiating off of him. Slowly I started back up on washing the dishes, trying not to show him the effects he has on me.

"Are you okay, Eve?" Louis said breathing down my neck, in this sense it's literal.

"Y-Yeah, just still sleepy," I said, the lie naturally dripping off my tongue.

"Are you sure?" Louis asked, slowly fingers krept around my waist and he tugged me around so my back was pressed against the counter, "You seem kind of tense."

I giggled, "Do I, Lou?"

"I believe it's Lou-Boo to you," Louis chuckled leaning down towards my face.

"Oh. . .yeah," I smiled looking from his eyes to his lips, "Lou-Boo."

Louis leaned down, my eyes naturally fluttered close. His nose tickeled my cheek, dragging back to my ear. Finally his voice came out and I shuddered, "You should get ready, don't want Niall to think we're doing anything."

My eyes shot open and I saw the back of Louis' head, slowly he came back up smirking. Just like he did when I yelled at him for checking out my arse. Again, I felt my heart do something weird in my chest. I pushed him back jokingly, "Piss off, Lewis."

Louis nodded his head, the smirk still firmly planted on his head and walked back into the living room. Following him out, I walked into my bedroom and changed into my outfitt for the day. Throwing on some tight skinny jeans, high-heal converse, a pink flowy tank top, and finally a knee length tribal printed sweater. Walking out I heard Louis whistles in my direction. My face flushed red, and I turned around and bumped into Louis' chest.

"You look great," Louis whispered looking down at me, "You should wear heals more often."

"You are such a flirt," I said pushing him away, again, "Lets get goin', Niall's waiting."

We walked into the boy's bungalow while it's in full swing. Everyone's running around getting ready to go do whatever they do for work. Everyone froze when I walked in the door with Louis. Zayn was the first to speak, "Please tell me you didn't sleep with her, Lou?"

I giggled but no one else found it funny, other than Harry. I'm just not counting him because he looks hungover. Liam looked angry but I spoke before anyone could say anything, "No, we didn't. I really hope no one thinks that low of me, he stayed over because he brought me some things and we watched a movie afterwards."

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