My Story Titles Suck

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Please read, it explains somethings.

Okay sorry, I  know this is just a good way to catch you. So listen up, I write the chapters over and over again and I forget to erase the title and rewrite it to match the chapter. So I'm sorry. And I'm going to clear somethings up in the bottom. Mainly on how Eve isn't a slut. WHATSOEVER. and maybe a hint to her past... I Don't know ;)


"Eve so in a week, we'll start dating," Louis said with his fingers making quotes over the word date.

"You make dating sound gross," I laugh hitting his shoulder, while I lay across him in my flat.

Louis made a face and then smiled over to me. Everything has been planned and I do feel a little bit of guilt for what I'm about to do. Though Louis got what he deserved, a punch to the face. Some parts of the bruise is a yellow, greenish color and it looks like someone slammed a rock into the place above his cheek. Louis raised his bruised eyebrow up at me and smirked, "It is gross, too much commitment."

Laughing I looked at the time and it was late, half past midnight. Louis noticed too and stood up sighing, "Thanks for letting me-" I cut him off.

"He definately deserves it," I smiled hugging Louis tight and pressing my face into the part of his shirt that I stained with my make-up.

Louis' hand traveled up my back, and settled on the back of my neck. Shivers traveled up and down my spine making Louis smirk. He leaned down very close into my ear, making the heat from his breath travel down my neck. His voice came out slow and like silk, "I'll see you later Evelyn."

I leaned up near his ear and licked my lips, "Bye, Lewis."

Louis POV

"Mate! Where've you been all day?" Liam asked passing me in the hallway, on the way to the kitchen.

"I was at Eve's flat," I smiled wickedly, walking into the kitchen behind Liam, and into the fridge grabbing a bottled water.

"Dude," Liam frowned, making me chuckle at his pouting angry face and his American term, "You're going to piss off Niall."

"That's the point," I laughed taking a sip of water, "Niall, did the worst and I would have pulled out if I knew he was dating Cristy again."

"Wait I thought he was going to get back together with Cristy after he broke up with Eve?" Liam said with an 'O' face.

"No, Liam, he's already dating Cristy and still hasn't broke up with Eve yet," I said it like I was talking to a child.

"We need to talk with that child," Liam said shaking his head looking at me, with disappointment.

I laughed, "About what? Eve and I are taking care of that."

"What are you and Eve taking care of?" Niall said walking in with bags under his eyes, Ed has been working Niall like a dog.

"Just some stuff," I said taking a sip of water, and trying to hide my smile.

"Louis, seriously I won the bet already. You can tell me, it's okay, it's not like I'm going to get angry or anything," Niall said sarcastically.

 "I'm going to ask Eve out on a date next week," I said with a smile, bringing the water back up to my face to hide my emotion.

Niall froze and his hand gripped the fridge handle tightly, "You're what?"

"Well like you said, Eve was just a bet and well she's hot mine as well get to know her," I shrugged, trying not to laugh at Liam's amused expression.

"I know what I said," Niall said slowly opening the fridge being careful not to turn around and glare at me, "She said yes, while I'm still dating her?"

Liam's eyes lit up and I knew he now understood my plan of action, "Yeah, mate you're missing out, but hey! You have Cristy."

"Yeah," Niall grimaced, "I have Cristy."

We hate Cristy, but since we needed another roommate to support the bill. Cristy was the only one to pass our standards. It's going to be a nightmare. Now I'm going to try to get her to leave, after she pays her rent for the month and we have enough time to get our acts together. I was thinking about asking Eve, but she has her own flat and she won't want to move out. 

"Well I'm going to call Eve and see how she's doing," I winked at the lads and walked out of the room.

"Louis!" Niall yelled out, "Wait!"

"Yeah, mate?" I hid my smirk, and tried not to laugh at how he gave up a killer looking girl like Eve.

"Why are you hanging out with Eve?" Niall said, "Not that I care or anyt'ing."

I rolled my eyes, "Because I like her, she's . . .cheeky."

"Alright, well have fun," Niall said rubbing the back of his neck, trying not to look awkward and uncomfortable (but horribly failing.

I smirked and walked into my room. No, I'm not actually going to call Eve, but I'm going to plan more ideas on how to get Niall to realize how bad it is to cheat.



I know, I'm sorry but it's another filler. I'm going to update tonight, again because it's going to be a drama filled chapter.

NOW Starting on the earlier note....

Eve is just pissed that this whole thing is a joke. But just a little spoiler, Eve has something up her sleave too. I personally think it's going to be hilarious but kind of a surprise to everything. It's going to be mind blowing.

Alright but that's atleast a couple more chapters ahead.

Thanks for reading this because I know how much I hate reading short chapters and long authors note.

If you read this note, comment who you want to date Eve, and if your lazy (Like Me) just comment a single letter or something. So I know who's reading.

I'll even dedicate a chapter to you.

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