Drunk Strangers

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"Oh my gosh Eve! This will be so much fun!"

"Sam," I sigh, "I don't want to get wasted. At all."

I walk out of my room, wearing skinny jeans, a nice red tank top, and my red heels. Sam and Danny are quite the beauty team. My eyes are even a really cool looking smoky eye, "Thanks guys!"

Danny looped his arm around my waist. Instantly Sam did the same, "You know we love to help."

We all walked out together, but I pulled away when Sam grabbed Danny's ass. Very awkward to be in the middle of that. As we walked outside I saw Niall leaning against his car. His face lit up and he smiled when he saw me. Did I say that he looked amazing in those dark skinny jeans and black t-shirt. Niall gave me a smirk when he caught me checking me out, "Are we taking your car?"

I nodded and gave a sly smile, "Yeah, I'll drive."

"Alright everybody!" Sam clapped and gathered us into a huddle, "No leaving without the four of us, drunk or not."

I smiled and Niall looped his arm around my shoulder and we walked into the club behind Sam and Danny. Something didn't feel right but I ignored it and leaned into Niall. But before you assume I'm some sort of slut because I am hanging with a guy I just met. I haven't seen anyone for two years since my last break up, and this is the most quality time I have got with a guy, who doesn't look at me like a sister. Sam is the only contact I have had with a guy in the last two years. So please cut me some slack.

"Do you want t'a get a drink?" Niall suggested.

"Yes," I shouted over the now loud screaming throng of people and booming music.

Niall adjusted his grip on my shoulder and pulled me through the large group of sweaty people, and we eventually made it to the crowded bar. Niall ordered a beer, and I ordered the same thing. I'm not much of a margarita, or fancy alcohol type of person. As expected Niall shot me a surprised look, "Not'ing fancy?"

I swung my head left to right, "Nope not really interested in the overly sweet drinks. Other than wine."

Niall nodded in approval, before a pair of manly hands covered his eyes. The rude waiter from the other night was sitting behind Niall. They do the manly bump thing, and Niall seems happy and I finally got my beer, "Hey I served you the other night."

I gave a small smile, "Yeah you caught me on a bad day."

"Hows your day today? Just in case I need to think up some witty combacks," Louis smiled taking a sip of his strong looking drink.

"So far so good," I smiled at Niall, "I even got the chance to dye someone elses hair other than my friend's, Sam."

"Yeah, Niall I was just about to ask you- Woah!" Louis jumped back as a curly haired boy tumbled into him.

"Haz! So glad to see you can make it," Louis smiled at the curly haired boy, clapping the young looking boy on the shoulder.

"Yeah," Harry smiled at me- visibly wasted, "Who is this beautiful lass?"

Niall stiffened, "This is Eve, my date for  the night."

"Well Eve, would you like to dance?" Harry smiled, a very lopsided smile.

"Only if Niall can come," I looked at Niall and winked, "If you stay here, I can come tell you when the dance floor is clear."

All the guys chuckled, and Harry shot Niall a smug grin, "Already ta-aking your dat-te."

Everyone bursted out laughing, I grabbed Niall's hand and pulled him into the mass of dancing bodies. Lucky for me back in America I took a load of dance classes, and when I was younger I used to work at my parents club, and I learned how to dance like an adult as a kid. So, in other words, Niall was about to have fun. (A/N The song they're dancing to is Motivation By Kelly Roland ft. Lil Wayne- I do not own that song whatsoever)

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