Holy Chickens and Roosters

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"Y-You," I take a deep breath, and exhaled through my teeth, "Kissed Louis?"

Harry nodded and sniffed his excess snot from crying up his nose. I held Harry tight against my chest, and I wanted to cry too. Something is messed up here, and I don't know what it is yet.

"Were you guys drinking?" I asked, playing nervously with Harry's curls.

Harry shook his head, "No, we were just really close, having a deep conversation and . . ."

"Damn it, Harry. Talk to me!" I shouted grabbing Harry's face.

Harry shook his head, "Louis said not to talk about it. I can't . . ." 

I needed to know more, and I had more questions. Which majorly sucked because apparently  I couldn't ask more questions, and I really wanted to. Heck, Louis is my boyfriend, but he didn't even mention- or even hint - that he thought he was bisexual. If  Louis was bisexual, you'd think he'd already know I wasn't going to care, I dated Christie. So I think that idea was out of the ball park, maybe Louis was just experimenting.

And that really makes me frustrated is I don't know when Louis and Harry kissed, what if they did it last night? Or weeks before I was even dating Louis? Something about this makes me really sad, and another thing is; Louis isn't acting fazed.

Here is Harry balling his eyes out, because I'm assuming that Louis and him had a connection. Louis is acting like nothing happened, which is a little upsetting because Harry is obviously torn up about this. Why isn't Louis trying to fix this?

I rub my wet eyes with exhaustion and frustration, hoping it would relieve my stress. But it didn't, Harry sat up and pulled his knees towards his chest. Closing himself off from me, and I looked at him, "So did it feel magical?"

Harry looked at me, "It felt . . . like I was home, that everything in the world was right."

"Really?" I ask, hoping he's break out laughing then tell me everything was a joke.

"Yeah," Harry's eyes were fixed on my hands and how they kept digging into my skin, "I'm really sorr-"

I put my hand up, "Why did Louis tell you not to talk about it?"

Harry's face scrunched up, "Because he was dating you."

I nodded my head, "How could he say that to you? Why would he just blow you off like that?"

A chuckle came from Harry, and I turned to glare, "What's so funny?"

"You're bloody asking me about this, when he kinda, sorta cheated on you," Harry said laying his face in the palms of his hands.

"I've only been dating him for a week or so," I look at his curls bouncing up and down, "I don't have the right to tell him who to kiss and who not to kiss."

I heard muffled laughter, and then the door unlocked. Louis walked in first, he looked fairly sober. But the others, not so much. Niall and Christy were stumbling around, and I'm pretty sure Perry is dragging Zayn to his room. But all I'm focused on is how Louis looks down at me and smiles, "Hey, love."

"Hi," I kept my answer terse, not wanting to speak to him right now.

"What? Did I do something, babe?" Louis' face looked paniced and his brilliiant blues flashed from myself to Harry.

I knew, he knew, that I know all about Harry and him kissing. Louis then sat down on the other side of me, then looked into my hazel eyes, "Look . . ."

I turned away and instead my eyes settled onto a flustered looking Harry, "Louis, I don't care that you kissed him while dating me."

"Y-You don't?" Louis said, I could here from his voice he was shocked.

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