Promblem; Harry.

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"So you just want to hang out with Harry?" Louis asks me, suspicousness in his voice, "I don't see why not . . ."

"I'm not interested him in any way, Louis," I quickly add in, "I just want to see why he doesn't like me."

Louis sighed from the other end of the phone, "Okay, everyone but Harry was going out anyways."

"No strippers, Louis," I add in with a giggle, "And please tell me if you happen to make out with a boy or girl so we can work through it together, okay?"

Louis laughed loudly from the other end of the phone, "Okay, nice to know you're already planning this out."

"Love you, babe," I smile while Louis mimics me, but then seriously says he loves me.

Sighing since my lunch break is finished, and I happily wasted a long conversation with my boyfriend. A tap on my shoulder brought me out of my thoughts of why Harry is mad at me.

I turned around to see Zayn standing behind me, "Hey . . ."

"What are you doing here?" I ask with a knowing smile on my face, and I placed my hands under my chin.

Zayn blushed a little, "You know why I'm here."

"Perrie should be back from her lunch break any minute," I smile clicking my pen and then editing the paper I'm supposed to turn in tomorrow to my boss.

Zayn then put his hand on my hand. Obviously wanting me to stop, I sighed and looked up, "How may I help you, sir?"

"I also need to talk to you about Harry," Zayn looked at me with sad eyes, "I think I know what is going on with him."

"Zayn!" Perrie's voice rang out but she stopped and stared at where Zayn's hands were draped over mine, "And Eve, what's going on here?"

I looked at Zayn and then back at Perrie, "He's getting ready to dish me big news on Harry, please come join."

Zayn opened his arms and Perrie hugged him wearily, but welcomed and accepted the fact we were about to gossip. Perrie sat in one of the chairs across from my desk as Zayn stood behind her shaking his head violently no. The purple haired girl smiled, "So what's going on with Harry?"

I immediately spazzed out with my horrible lying skills, "I think Harry is a cat."

Perrie's eyebrows shot up, and Zayn shook his head in disappointment, "What do you mean he's a cat?"

I welcomed my lie, "Exactly how it sounds, Harry hissed at me the other day."

"Oh, come on, Eve, " Zayn angrily smiled at me, "He was just kidding."

I shook my head violently, "No, Zayn. I know he's a cat. All of the cat knip I leave around your dudes' home, is always gone before I get back. Harry is playing with it in his room."

Zayn looked even more angry, and Perrie just laughed, "You're the one leaving those plants around the flat?!"

I blushed, "I-I was just trying to prove my theory."

Perrie stood up and walked to my side, "I want to help Eve prove that he's a cat."

"Oh, you just want to come over," Zayn winked at Perrie, making her gasp.

"Most certainly not," Perrie was obviously horrible at lying, just like myself, "I need to help my new friend debunk the reason behind Harry's feline behaviors."

"Well, I am going over there tonight with just Harry," I smile at Zayn, "After work."

"Louis never agreed to that," Zayn put his hands over his head, "Did he?"

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