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Niall left soon after we woke up, and something didn't feel right. My stomach was twirling like something bad was going to happen but I got up and got ready for work anyways. I made Sam some enlgish muffin and jam, for my British jam. Then Sam walked in, looking all preppy and happy, but something wasn't right. I gasped, "You and Danny didn't make up!"

Sam's shoulders slumped, "Is it that obvious?"

"No, my best friend senses were tingling," I said running over and hugging him tightly, the bad feeling in my stomach going away.

Sam rested his head on the crest of my shoulder, "It's horrible, I couldn't even bring myself to apologize. I really wanted to but then Danny had to go and start complaining about things I do that annoy him. So I stood up and walked out the door."

"Okay Sam, this time I want you to go talk to him," I said rubbing Sam's back in a circular motion, "Tell Danny that you love him, and explain to him what you're feeling."

"I know but sometimes I get so nervous and angry," Sam sighed, "Whatever, lets get to work."

"Want to go out for lunch?" Sam asked popping his head over the top of my cubicle.

"No, I need to finish this manuscript," I sigh grabbing out a granola bar out of the drawer of my desk, "It's taking me forever."

"Alright, excuses excuses," Sam sighs, "I just didn't want to face Danny alone at Steamers."

"You were going to use me for more power?" I ask my jaw dropping, "You're devilish."

"I know," Sam sighed, "Well I have a boyfriend to make up with."


Danny in all his hot glory, sitting there staring at his coffee. I desperately want to run in there and just kiss his perfect face, but I hold myself back. His hair is night black, and I just want to run my hands through it. My eyes travel down his face, but stop when Danny's eyes catch me staring at him. I blush and walk through the door, Danny was full blown smiling. This is the first time in a little while since Danny has actually smiled in my direction.

"Hey, Sammy," Danny smiles in my direction, and while looking around I don't see Louis today

"Hey, Danny," I smile sitting in the booth's seat across from him.

"So," Danny says twirling around the stick in his coffee.

"Danny I love you," I say quickly, "I really do want to move in with you, but I'm just really scared. What happens if we break-up? I'll move out and have no where to go but with Eve, and I love that bitch to death but I couldn't live with her. Eve will stab me in my sleep, so I just don't know how I feel about all of this."

Danny's face lit up, "You want to move it with me?"

"Of course I do," I sigh looking down to my lap, "It's just scary, I've only ever lived by myself."

"Baby, I love you with all my heart," Danny reached across the table and grabbed my hands, "I will never break up with you. So will you please move in with me?"

"You know I will," I smile, leaning across the table and kissing his lips for a second, "So when do I come over?"

"Sam!" Louis' cheerful voice came out from across the room.

I turned around and waved him over, "Hey Louis."

"Guess what?" Louis says with a sinister smile.

"What?" Danny and I say at the same time.

"Christy is coming early tomorrow," Louis smiles, and I can't help but to laugh.

"Are you serious?" I say laughing, "Should Eve spend the night tonight?"

"My plan exactly," Louis said, trying to flatten down his sex hair.

"You look like you just got laid," I say swirling around Danny's coffee.

"I can't lie," Louis shrugged, "And there's no way I'm going to have sex with Eve right now."

"We're rooting for you Louis," I said tapping Louis on the shoulder, "I left Eve's house early because I didn't want to deal with their sex noises, but if it were you and Eve I might have stayed to hear the beautiful love making."

"They had sex?" Louis said, his voice angrier.

"They are still dating," Sam said, Danny nodded his head agreeing with me, "But you better get to work, don't want to be late."



The title says it all

So the next chapter I like to think will kind of kill you.

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