Kiss and Tell...Sam

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"Well since you got some lips." Sam sighed adjusting his crotch, "I will forgive you for leaving me. Even though we swore we wouldn't leave without each other."

"Thank you," I rolled my eyes, "But apparently it didn't matter that much anyways."

As soon as Sam processed my words, he blushed furiously. Causing me to laugh like a hyena. That's one person I can always count on, Sam. No matter what emotion over powers my thoughts, like a animal with rabies, he can always take my mind off of what I'm thinking about. It's always nice to have someone like that around.

"What happened last night?" I asked leaning on Sam's chest, "You keep touching yourself."

Sam laughed and his face got very red (again), "Lets just say Danny is rough."

I busted out laughing. Sam and I were sprawled across a blanket, I was recovering from the amazing night last and Sam was recovering from a hangover. My situation was different because I only got a heavy snogging session and a walk home. While Sam was practically pounded last night by his boyfriend. Even though Sam may be in pain, I know he loved it. Since Sam is usually the one wearing the pants in the relationship, I think he must love it how Danny is taking the lead in other parts of the relationship.

"Well I don't think you would be touching yourself in public, because it makes it seem that those kids over there at the park are a turn on," I smirked, causing Sam to gasp and hit my shoulder.

"You need to get laid," Sam looked at me with a disgusted look, "Seriously? Bringing little kids into the sexual matters?"

I laughed, even though I guess I did sound like a pervert. But at least I didn't keep touching myself in front of the little kids. Please, I have much more class than people think. Well except for when I'm drunk. Sometimes I think my inner self is a drunk, slutty, and horny teenager. That's why I never get wasted because I end up in some guys bed, with a major headache. I remember I woke up in this really nice hotel, two hours away from where I lived, with a thirty year old guy who had like a two foot long beard. It was weird when he came up to me and whispered, "Don't tell my daughter. She gets jealous." Let's just say, I was out of that hotel room within seconds of regaining full consciousness. After that night I swore I would never get drunk in a public place, with people I don't know.

"Whatever," I hissed through my laughter, "How's Danny?"

Sam shrugged, "I made us breakfast, then gave him a long kiss. If he was in pain, he never showed it."

I huffed, "Typical guy, afraid to show his real pain"

Sam rolled his eyes, "I know right. So how's Niall?"

I shrugged, "I haven't talked to him since last night, all's I know is that he wants to take me on a date next weekend."

"That's it? No information on where he's taking you?"

"Nope," My heart dropped into my stomach, "Not a drop of information."

"Ouch," Sam feigned hurt, "Has he called?"

"We haven't had sex so he doesn't owe me anything," I gave a bitter laugh, "But as sad as it is I believe lunch break is almost over."

Sam groaned, "Already?"

I laughed and stood up, Sam grabbed our scraps and threw them in the thrash bin. Folding the blanket, Sam nudged my side. I ignored him, excusing the slight pain as an accident. Sam stabbed my side with his finger. I hissed in pain, and began talking through my teeth, "What do you want?"

I looked up to where Sam was pointing and there stood Louis, the annoying waiter, "You have a fine arse."

I gasped and stood up with my hands tucked in the blanket, that I'm using as a shield. Shooting the rude waiter a glare, my answer was brusque, "Thanks, wish I could say the same."

Louis looked to his black TOMS, then back up to me with a smile. My heart fluttered at the simple gesture. I ignored the stir of emotion in my chest and looked to see what he would say, "Please, my arse is perfect."

I scoffed at his aloofness, "Yeah right."

Louis' smile faltered, "You sure know how to tear one's ego down, and from what I can tell with Niall, build up an ego as well."

"I wish someone can tear your ego down just a tad more," I smiled a sickly sweet smile in his direction.

"Well someone's blunt," Louis chuckled, "But I like you."

My face scrunched up, and so did Sam's, "Well that's sweet, but I'm interested in someone right now."

Louis smiled, even more than he already was, I think his face will shatter into a million little pieces of stupidity, "I meant as a person, no one ever is quiet so mean the second I meet them."

Why would he mean anything else than a person? You just met him two days ago, I scolded my non-filtered mouth.

"Well we have to get back to work," Sam pulled on my arm, coming to my rescue, "In about ten minutes. But thanks for the chat."

Louis nodded at Sam, but never took his eyes off of me, "Bye Eve, can't wait to see you next time."



Heyyyyyyy, thanks for actually reading means a lot.

Sooo in your opinion, who do you think Eve is going to end up spending time with? My apologies if you find it boring and moving fast, don't worry everything will be better after the awkward begining

Comment and Vote, see you, you sarcastic somebodies.

Love and hugs

katiekat69. . . <( ' -' )>

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