The Unfinished Sentance

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"Well Sam, this is fantastic," I smiled opening the blinds to the autumn sunshine.

"Fantastic for you," Sam glared removing the head phones from his ear, "But I hardly got any sleep, over your moaning."

I swat at Sam, "Shut up, asshat. You could've left at any point."

"Yeah, but I wouldn't be here to tease you in the morning though I regret that thought process now," Sam groaned swatting back at my leg, "Anyways, I need to go see Danny, so make the pancakes snappy."

I kicked his stomach and Sam lurched forward, glaring at me. Running into the kitchen I whipped up some pancakes and bacon for Sam before his little brunch with Danny. Laughing, I watched Sam try to slip some of the extra clothes he left here for emergencies. His leg went into the wrong side. Flipping the last pancake a knock at the door took me out of my hysterical laughter at Sam's morning grogginess. Skipping over to the door I didn't bother to look when I unlatched the lock, I saw a familiar sarcastic boy sitting in front of me.

My eyes narrowed, "Lewis."

Louis' eyes narrowed as well, "Evelyn."



"That doesn't even make sense!" I huff, trying to hide my smile.

"You're right," Louis smiled at me leaning against the doorway, "Kevin."

Rolling my eyes again, and realizing this isn't a normal thing. Also wondering how the hell he got my address, and if Niall told him. Why didn't Niall ask me first.

"I know what you're wondering," Louis held a hand up, cutting me off before I was about to speak, "I used Niall's GPS."

"So why are you here then?" I cross my arms and look him in the eyes, meeting his glare.

"Louis? Mine as well come in for breakfast," Sam smiles pushing me out of the way.

My jaw slacks, and Sam just winks at me while he yanks Louis into the flat. Sam sits Louis down and places a plate in front of him with everything I made. Louis just looks a little shocked. I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't either. Sam blows a kiss and the next thing I know Sam is out the door on his way to go eat his boyfriend's awful cooking. 

"Well, this isn't going as planned," Louis says setting the fork down, "I just wanted to talk with you."

I put my finger up and wiggled it, "You now have to eat that food."

"I had some tea and crumpets this morning," Louis smiles, looking at me with a strange look on his face.

"Eat," I walk over and make myself a plate, "Or I will feel weird if I'm the only one eating."

Louis rolls his eyes and picks his fork back up, "My coach would kill me if he knows I'm eating this."

"Well I won't tell," I smile taking a bite of pancake, "Unless for some reason I need to black mail you."

"That's reassuring, now I need to tell you something I just figured out," Louis takes the last bite of his pancake then starting to face me, "This is really bad news."

"W-What's wrong?" I ask, "Louis, are you okay?"

"It's not about me, but it's about what I'm going to tell you and how I can help you," Louis took my hand in his so that moving in my stomach began happening and I blushed.

"Louis, a little fact about me is I hate riddles," I giggle, trying to get my awkwardness to subside.

"Okay, I'm telling you this because I just found out and none of the other guys want to tell you. But after I tell you what I'm about to say you will want to break up with Niall," Louis gave a sad smile, and my heart dropped .

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