Beyond My Control

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It's been a month and I've been avoiding Louis like the plague. Niall said he doesn't like me staying in Louis' room, and Louis was angry saying I shouldn't let Niall control me. So I shut Louis out of my life, and of course I told sam everything it's always bad to leave your best friend out of the loop. But anyways I think I'm ready to tell Niall I love him. Something about the way he makes me feel is amazing, and I need him to know that. I am scared though.

Every time I bring up the L word, Niall freaks out a little bit. Something makes me think that he isn't ready for a steady relationship, on the other hand we spend a lot of time together and that's all him. All though Niall and I haven't done the deed yet, I don't want to till I know he can say he loves me. That's what I'm doing tomorrow, and Sam is with me today helping me get ready to tell him. 

"So what movie is next?" Sam smiled getting off my lap that he was laying in, "Sleepless in Seattle or Twilight's Breaking Dawn?"

"Sleepless in Seattle!" I squealed like a child and Sam laughed too, making us all excited.

"Well Sammie boy, we need more popcorn. I shall be back!" I declared standing up in my Adventure Time footy pajamas.

"I like your spunk today," Sam smiled pushing my leg, and I fell off the couch and onto the pile of pillows and blankets we have on the ground.

"Sam," I whined, making puppy eyes in his direction, "WHY DO YOU HURT ME?!"

I tackled him and straddled him, while I sat on his stomach. Sam laughed and finally pushed me off and I fell next to him laughing hysterically, "Yup I definitely like this side of you better, I like what Niall is doing to you."

I laughed and skipped off to the kitchen making popcorn. I was sitting there making myself a chocolate milk when I saw my phone lit up. I saw the screen and saw Niall was calling. My heart sped up, and I bit my lip, "Hey Ni."

"Hey Evie," Niall's voice was strained, and I felt my stomach drop.

"What's wrong Niall? Is everything okay?" I said into the phone, wanting to take away the pain in his voice.

"I-We need to. . . I think that everything. . . Ugh," Niall sighed, "I just needed to hear you voice."

I sighed, "Do you need me to come over, I can bring Nando's for you?"

Niall's voice laughed on the other end and I smiled weakly at Sam who was staring at me from the kitchen door, "No, I just felt the need to hear your voice. I also wanted to make sure that you're still going to come over, Liam misses you."

"Oh, and you don't?" I smiled into the phone, laughing at my own teasing.

I heard him nervously laugh, "Of course I do. . ."

I sighed and did what I usually do when a guy calls me like this, "D-Did. . ." My voice caught in my throat and I couldn't bear the thought that he might want to break up with me.

"What?" Niall asked suddenly caring.

"Did you. . .' I couldn't even talk the tears were coming down my face, and Sam came over and hugged me while pressing his ear to the phone.

"Did I what?" Niall asked suddenly irritated, his voice was rude and I felt sick.

"Nothing, just was going to ask something. So you're okay?" I asked choking back the tears in my eyes.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" Niall asked sounding rude, and Sam's face scrunched up and I thought he might take the phone away from me.

"It's just that you sounded angry earlier," I said my voice trailing off.

"I'm not angry Eve!" Niall yelled into the phone making Sam nad I jump up in the air, "I just want an explanation!"

"To what?" I asked, while Sam's face grew red with fury.

"Why Louis said you kissed him?" Niall demanded and I can picture a fist smashing my face in. 

I shuddered and pushed the memory far away, "He was drunk and surprised me, I didn't even kiss him back. We talked about this Niall, don't you remember. We also haven't talked about that girl you kissed the same night."

Niall's voice was silent, "Sam told you, didn't he?"

I stayed silent, "Didn't he!"

I felt more tears fall down my face, "Of course he did, but I didn't bring it up because I was willing to forgive you."


"B-Because I think I might. . .actually love you."

My heart stopped because the line went silent and all there was is the sound of breathing. Sam's jaw dropped and I looked at him for support so he just hugged my waist tighter. I finally gained some confidence, "Niall, I need you to know if you don't want to say it that's fine. I don't want to force you to-"

"You. . .love me?" Then the line went dead, because I heard a knock on the door.

Sam and I exchanged glances. I was beyond nervous and slowly I walked over to the door, I peeked through and saw Niall sitting there, with tears running down his face. Taking a deep breath I opened the door and Niall looked at me with such sad eyes, "Hi Eve."


"I love you too."

I launched myself at Niall and attached my lips to his. Putting all my passion into this kiss, and I needed him to know I loved him with this kiss. Slowly Niall parted my lips and his familiar taste filled my mouth. Finally we both pulled away, "Promise you love me?"

I wiped away one of his tears while he wiped away mine. Finally he smiled and looked me in the eyes, "I promise."

"I like the outfit by the way."

"Thanks, there's nothing under it, by the way."



Hey Duckies,

I just wanted you to know, I am going to completely put Niall out of character in these next couple of chapters. It's going to be horrible, and I apologize, but it's also going to be great.

Loves and cyclops hugs,

<( 0 )> katiekat69


Quick question,

If presented with the opportunity. . .WOULD YOU HUG A CYCLOPIAN?

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