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"Louis!" I yelled walking into the boy's bungalow.

"Here, babe!" Louis' voice echoed from down the hallway, "I'm in Zayn's bedroom!"

I walked carefully down the hallway, careful to make sure that this whole thing isn't a trap. Tip-toeing down the carpeted hallway I saw Louis laying on a bed with his arms behind his head. I starting looking around the room, watching for the other boys. Finally Louis spoke up, "It's just me today, sorry to disappoint."

"No, No! I was just making sure this wasn't an attac-" Then I was tackled by a mop of curls and a skate ramp of black hair.

"Harry! Zayn!" I yelled, rolling over onto my stomach trying to get them off of me.

"Eve," Zayn and Harry saw like the cartoon characters from Wall-E simultaneously.

I looked up at them from my below position, "So why are you tackling me today?"

"We have a sad surprise for you today," Harry says laughing, making everyone else around him laugh as well.

"What, are you going to tell me that Niall actually has herpes?" I said pushing the boys off, with my unbounded wrist.

"No actual-" Then the familiar voice floated through the air, still giving me a funny feeling in my stomach.

"Boys I'm home!" The sing song voice rang from an opening door, "Today is a good day!"

I giggled when I jumped up on the bed with Louis, laying across his chest watching some child's show. Then Harry and Zayn jumped up on the bed too, Harry across me so I could play with his hair, and Zayn was sprawled across Louis and me. Everyone had their eyes glued to the television so it looked like we've been here for a while. Feet padded down the hallway and I felt Harry giggle in anticipation. Whistling came, Niall stuck his head in the door, "Hey, mates."

Niall walked back out, still whistling. I'm pretty sure that realization just hit Niall and he came back in the door while walking in backwards. Niall spun around on one foot, and his eyes met mine. I took one of my hands off of Harry's head and waved at Niall, but Harry grabbed my hand and put it back on his curls, making me laugh. I kept a lazy gaze on Niall as his nostrils flared, "Hey, babe."

"Hey, sexy," I winked at Niall and I felt Louis tense underneath me.

Niall blushed, but kept looking angry. Ignoring his constant anger- that always seems to be pointed at me -I kept playing with Harry's brown waves. Finally I heard a sigh and I saw Niall rubbing his temples with just one hand, his head shaking side to side. Louis chuckled but placed an arm around me, that Niall didn't see but yelled at him anyways, "Louis don't even touch her."

Louis didn't listen though, but oh boy Niall did. Niall marched over, flipped Harry's body off of us and grabbed Zayn's hair pulling him up right. Then Niall grabbed my wrist and pulled it towards him, "Eve, can we talk?"

"Yeah," I said standing up and walking with him, but I laced my fingers with his which he smiled at.

Niall dragged me into his bedroom, and shut the door, locking it too. Everything around us was covered and laced with tension. I felt tired and Niall looked upset, only if he could understand how I felt, being used

"Why do you always hang out with them?" Niall asked leaning against the door.

"I don't always hang out with them Niall," I say with my voice full of attitude, "I come here to see you, but then you always leave."

"I know, Eve," Niall said coming over and sitting on his bed, "But I don't like you always hanging out with my friends."

"I hang out with them because I want them to like me, Niall," I say, trying not to break down and cry, because I only really hang out with them because they invite me over.

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