So Many Ex's

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"Eve," Louis whispered in my ear.

I rolled over on the ground and laid across him like I did earlier, except this time Louis, Harry, and I are the only ones home. Niall, Liam, and Zayn are out getting our fast food while Harry is playing Fifa World Cup in his room. Louis and I are just laying on the ground, since I'm too tired to move. 

"Eve," Louis whispered again, I just nuzzled farther into Louis' chest, "Eve, I have to tell you something."

"Hmm," I asked looking up to him with sleepy eyes.

"Niall's girlfriend is coming today," Louis said biting his lip, and I just shook my head side to side.

"We can always deal with that when we have to," I said, laying my heavy feeling head back down on Louis' firm pillow of a body.

"Wow," Louis said, "I was waiting for the tears."

"I don't cry that much," I said looking back up to Louis.

"Yeah," Louis said, "You cry more than an elephant with a blister in it's toe."

I gasped sitting up, "Did you just call me . . . fat?"

My head still felt dizzy but the feeling in my hands came back, which is good. Louis just looked at me with wide eyes. Slowly his head shook side to side, "N-No, you aren't fat, at all."

"You know what," I stood up hands on my hips, "Since I'm so morbidly obese I'll just go lay with Harry."

"Eve," Louis stood up, "Stop."

"What is my fat still moving?" I'm not actually angry.

"What?" Louis asked, his face pushed back, "No, I think you're sexy, Eve. Don't you know this?"

I gasped again, "You didn't even say that I'm not fat! What is fat suddenly sexy?"

"You aren't fat!" Louis yelled, "Here I'll prove it."

Louis came near me, till finally his hands grabbed mine. The warm fuzzy feeling came back where he touched me and I watched as he slowly leaned forward, dragging his cheek against mine and then he gave my cheek a little kiss. Kisses trailed all the way over to my other cheek, causing my stomach to have a Louis monster. Louis kissed my cheek, then blew over it. Louis didn't give my cheek another kiss, but he bit my cheek! I squealed, "You bit me!"

"There wasn't an ounce of fat," Louis said laughing really, really hard.

I pouted and walked down the hallway. Harry was sitting in a room with a television screen in front of him. Me watching him, Harry finally looked up and gasped. I began laughing as he choked on his spit. When Harry's face finally was back to it's normal color I look to him, "Louis called me fat, can I cuddle with you?"

Harry shrugged and opened one arm, "Sure."

I laughed and climbed onto his lap. Harry rested his head on my shoulder as his arms came back around me. Then I asked Harry, "Is Niall's girlfriend pretty?"

"Yes, Eve. You are very pretty," Harry said, as if I was talking about myself.

"No Harry," I tisked, "Is Niall's real girlfriend pretty?"

"Christy?" Harry laughed, "Not really, but she's cute. Kind of a slut, one time she kept trying to kiss me when Niall went out of the house."

"Well they are perfect together," I laughed uncomfortably, which made Harry laugh loudly.

"They are aren't they?" Harry asked, when Louis came in.

"You were serious?" Louis looked at me with a pouty face on display, "I would have cuddled with you."

"No, Louis," I said nudging Harry to play along, "I'm morbidly obese."

"You called her an Elephant, didn't you?" Harry asked, not playing along at all.

Then the door bell rang, and I heard a girl's voice on the other side. Louis groaned, "She has the most annoying voice."

"Yeah, she does," Harry shook his head, as if trying to get the annoying voice out of his head.

"I had a girlfriend like that," I sighed, "She was annoying as hell."

Louis and Harry nodded, "Yeah, what? Wait, you had a-"

"Christy?" I asked as a feminine face came into the doorway.


I jumped out of Harry's lap as I tackled the familiar girl in a hug. Christy hugged me right back, "Wow, look how much you've changed. You got some fine curves girl."

"You dyed your hair!" I exclaimed tugging at her brown straight hair.

"You un-dyed your hair," Christy smiled, tugging on my hair too.

"Yeah," I smiled, "So I take it you are dating Niall then?"

"Yes," Christy smiled, "He's a good guy, hey Harry!"

Harry looked uncomfortable as he smiled back at her, his voice trying to be nice he smiled, "Hi Christy."

She winked at him then looked at me, "Remember what our promise was when we would see each other again, right after I moved away?"

I looked at her quizzically before it hit me, "I can't kiss you, I have a boyfriend."

"You do?" Christy then looked at Harry, her face got sad, "Styles?"

"N-" Harry cut me off.

"Yes," Harry smiled, "I'm dating Eve."

"No," Louis stepped in and kissed my cheek, "I'm dating Eve, Harry is dating Lizzy."

"Who's- never mind, so Eve?" Christy smiled grabbing my shoulder.

"I can't right now," I said grabbing Louis and pulling him closer, "Maybe another time, yeah?"

"Definitely," Christy purred.

It was funny how she's hardly changed her ways, at all. I know for a fact she purposely started this when we dated because we would fight a lot, so I guess you could say that I made her like this. I kind of feel bad for Niall now, because Harry, Liam, Zayn, Louis, and I's plan now gets set into motion. Louis leaned down and whispered in my ear, "I've never been in this situation, so we will talk later."

"So how long have you been together?" Christy asked, while Louis kissed my neck.

"Um," I giggle at Louis, "I'm not really sure, but it happened a little while ago."

"So," Christy smiled, "Is he a good kisser?"

"I'm not sure," Louis smiled down at me, "Let me check for you, Eve."

Then before I could protest, Louis started the magic. My mouth was already parted so Louis tongue just slid inside of my mouth, tracing my teeth and my own tongue. When I thought this situation couldn't get worse, the door slammed open to a very, very confused Niall.



So there it is, Eve is a bisexual. 

And so is Christy, Eve's ex-girlfriend. Just because I can't keep it in any longer, Harry is going to tell Eve a little secret about him and Christy. MUHAHAHA I CAN KEEP MY SECRET LONGER!!!!!!!!!

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