Chapter 15

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I'm pregnant! I can't believe I'm pregnant.

Oh no..

"Well it seems so. I'll go tell the others. " Yo-kun says bluntly and walks out of the bathroom and shuts the door. I feel my whole body  go numb and I drop myself on the floor.

No way...This can't be possible.

I have an actual living thing growing inside me. I'm actually going to be a mother.

I don't want this though.

This is terrible

I cup my face and crawl into a ball on the floor and sob.

What am I gonna do?


I walk down the hall and approach the closed door of the lab/ doctors office.

Show time Maddie.

I open the door and I see Donovan, Fred and Yo-kun sitting down and look up at me as if they were waiting for me.

"According to Yo the test came out positive is he correct? " Fred asks

"Yea. It's true. " I say quietly and look down.

"Alright it's been confirmed. Text the director that the experiment has really begun, I think he'll be very pleased to hear that. " Donovan says and looks at Fred who's  pulling out his phone.

"Why does the director need to know? " I ask quietly.

"Well, the director planned all this out and picked you specifically. When you were unconscious for four days I really thought you wouldn't be able to hold a child like this since you were injured when we found you, during that time he came to visit to check on our progress and seeing you there on that bed he did not lose hope on you. He said you were special and it looks like he's right! " Donovan exclaims.


"Well you can tell the director he can go to hell because he officially ruined my life! " I yell

"Maddie I understand your frustration but don't worry we will try to make your life normal as it was. " Fred says gently and sends a text on his phone.

I scoff at them.

"Please, since when did H.M.E. ever brought any good to me? As a kid you treated me like an animal! You did things to me against my will! You would abuse me! This facility is inhumane I wonder why it's even still running! " I shout and fall to the floor.

"I thought if I left that place id be finally free from all that...till now. I'm pregnant now  and once I give birth I'll probably die or worse I'll live through it and watch my kid be taken away from me! You guys are heartless bastards and you always will be! " I sob.

Fred and Donovan look at each other then at me. Yo-kun looks at me with a blank expression and tilts his head.

"We're sorry, but this is orders from the director. It's nothing personal. " Donovan says gently and pats my head.

"Huh...So what now? Are you going to chain me up, stab me with needles and inject me with weird fluids like the old days? "  I chuckle quietly

"We actually don't know yet. We need to head back to the facility and talk with the director and the rest of the staff back there to discuss on what we're doing to do. You'll stay here tonight and don't worry I'm pretty sure one of the housekeepers here will take you back home in the morning before your guardians noticed you were gone. " Fred says and he and Donovan stand up grabbing all the things they brought with them and head towards the door.

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