Chapter 11

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"Yo-kun do you know what a birthday is? " I ask

"How should I know? Ask Mike or something. " he says simply and annoyed

"Earlier today when they were taking my blood someone was saying about it was their birthday today and everyone was so excited about it. One of the men told me it's a day people celebrate on the day they were born and they turn older!Doesn't that sound cool?! Do we have a birthday too?! Do we get older?" I shout with delight.

"No we don't have birthdays. We do get older though. This year I'm seven and you are five, we are this old until Mike says we're not anymore . It's how it works Maddie. "

I frown.

"It's not fair! I want a birthday like everyone else! I'm sure if you had a birthday I'd celebrate everyday because I'm glad you were born! "
I shout upset

He stares at me with his eyes widened but still with his serious facial expression he always has.

He's quiet for a moment and then smirks and his pale blue eyes sparkle.

"Thank you. I'm glad you were born too. " he says gently and strokes my head.

The boy I love so much is glad that I was born..


My body is stiff and my eyes are wide open,staring at Yo-kun's closed eyelids. I'm not breathing. His nose is pressed into mine that if I try to breathe I'll most likely snort. His lips are cold and his sharp nails are digging into the back of my head, I can feel my blood slowly dripping down to my neck.

My first kiss is with Yo-kun...

Neither of us move, we are both perfectly still and the kiss seems to go on forever.

Why did he kiss me?! How long are we going to stay like this!?

He pulls my head closer and sticks his tongue inside my mouth and starts to play with mine.


The taste of his tongue hits my mouth and it tastes sour and rotten, a disgusting taste that words can't even describe. His tongue is just all over the place.

No! I need to stop this!

I grab his shoulders and push him off with all my might and he slides across the room and hits the wall on the other side leaving a dent on it.

"What the hell do you think your doing!? That was my first kiss! why did you kiss me?! " I shout hysterically

I always wanted my first kiss to be with him...but not like this!

He sticks his long purple split tongue out and it's bleeding.

"You ass. You bit me when you pushed me off. " he grunts

"Well you deserve it! How could you?!" I shout at him

I am just in shock, I've always thought this would be the happiest day of my life but this just made me feel angry and upset.

"I was simply showing you a piece of my world. The only reason I'm here is to get you pregnant and just go back home after. I realized the longer I wait the more time I'll be missing out on tests where I'm needed back in H.M.E. I'm simply doing my job Maddie so shut up and let me just do it! "
he grunts and crawls back to me and pins me down hard making a big thump on the floor and gets on top of me, making it impossible for me to break free.

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