Next Morning....

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I was abruptly woken up by someone jumping up and down on my bed. I quietly groaned and rolled over, pulling the covers closer to me. The person who was jumping on the bed plopped down beside me and started shaking me. I groaned again a little louder but still didn't open my eyes. "Minxxy, come on. You have to get up." It was Cierra. I slowly opened my eyes, quickly taking note that it was still dark outside. I sat up and looked at Cierra tiredly. "Wh-what time is it?" She smiled. "Four a.m." My eyes widen. "What in the name of God and all that's holy possessed you to even think of waking me up at such an ungodly hour?" She chuckled. "We have to be up early to get to Pax. They wanted to give us a tour and show us what we'll be doing for the panel." I rubbed my eyes and groaned once again. "But I don't wanna get up." I said in a whiney voice. Before she could reply I laid down once again and pulled the covers over my head forcefully. Right after I did that, I heard a thump and a groan. I slowly peeked out from under the covers only to see that Cierra was on the floor with a pained look on her face. I quietly giggled and finally got up, making sure to be over dramatic about it.

I quickly stretched and walked to the bathroom. After brushing my teeth I walked back out to see Cierra laying on her bed, staring at her phone. She was already fully dressed in a black and red flannel, black skinny jeans, and some vans. "How did you get dressed so quickly?" She looked at me and laughed. "I had taken a shower, brushed my teeth, got dressed, and did my makeup before I woke you up" I nodded. How had I not noticed? I shrugged to myself and grabbed my clothes, quickly walking to the bathroom. After showering and drying my hair, I started on my makeup. After that I straightened my hair and got dressed into a black shirt with little frills in the front, skinny jeans, and converse. I also put on some bracelets and my favorite choker with a Yin sign on it. I have another choker with the Yang sign that I always carry around with me. I want to give it to my mate.

When I was finally satisfied with myself, I gave myself a smile in the mirror and walked out. Cierra looked at my outfit and smiled. "Damn girl, you look hot." I laughed softly and said, "I was about to say the same about you." We laughed and looked at the clock. "Do you think they guys are up?" I said, looking back at her. She smirked. "Probably not. I turned off their alarms before waking you up." My eyes widen. "Cierra! Why the hell would you do that?!" Her smirk widened. "Because you and I are gonna be their alarms." She said mischievously as she walked over to her bag. I followed her confused. "What do you me-" I was cut off by Cierra chucking a can at me. My reflexes quickly kicked in and I caught the can right before it hit my face. She laughed. "I swear you're like a cat with those reflexes." I shook my head and smiled before looking at the can. "Silly String" It read. My eyes widen as a smirk creeped its way onto my face. "Let's do it." I said. Her smile widened as she grabbed three more cans, giving me another one. I paused. "Wait, how are we going to get in? We don't have a key." She held up a key card. "Actually my dear, we do. I stole this from Sean last night before I walked into the room." I giggled. "You sneaky little devil." She shrugged. "Eh, I do my best. Now let's go. We need to be leaving in an hour and a half and we know how Kel is in the morning."

I nodded and walked out of our room, quickly making sure that I had my key. Cierra quickly walked behind me, closing the door quietly behind us. We stood in front of their door, trying not to laugh. After quickly calming down, Cierra slid the key slowly and quietly into the key slot, instantly unlocking the door. We quietly tip-toed to their beds, me in front of Sean's bed and Cierra in front of Kel's. "One." Cierra mouthed to me. "Two." I mouthed back. "Three." We mouthed at the same time before climbing onto their bed and spraying them with the multi colored silly string and yelling nonsense to them. Kel screamed and quickly sat up, making Cierra fall on the bed laughing. I couldn't blame her though; he screamed like a little girl who just saw a spider. Meanwhile Jack had also sat up in panic. Neither of us had realized how close my legs were to him because when he sat up, he hit my legs, making me fall to the floor. He tried to catch me but that ended up with him falling down with me and landing on top of me.

We both gasped as we hit the ground. I looked up at him only to see him looking down at me with a panicked expression. I laughed. "Good morning Sean." I said happily. Once he realized I was fine, he smiled in relief. " I hate you, you know." I shook my head. "Aw come on, you know you love me." He sighed dramatically. "Yeah, that's true." After that we both stopped talking and stared at each other. Our little moment was once again cut short by Kel saying, "Alright love birds, get up. Jack needs to shower first because I take forever to shower and by the time I'm out, there'll be no hot water." Sean looked at Kel and nodded. "Okay. it doesn't take me long to shower. Maybe ten minutes tops." He looked back at me and quickly pecked my nose before getting up, grabbing some clothes, and walking into the bathroom, shutting the door behind him.

Cierra and Kel looked at me with smirks evident on their faces. I looked at them confused. "What?" Kel retorted, "What was that kiss about?" I rolled my eyes and got up. "He pecked me on my nose. So what?" Cierra sighed and rolled her eyes. "Let's drop the subject okay? I'm already bored of the conversation." Kel sighed and said over dramatically, "Fine. CC, help me pick out an outfit." He walked over to his bag. I looked at him confused as Cierra nodded. Right as she was about to walk I grabbed her arm. She looked at me confused. "What?" I gestured to Kel. "Since when does he call you CC? Even I can't call you that. Last time I did I ended up with a bloody lip and a concussion." She looked at Kel and hesitantly shrugged. "I don't know. I'll probably get him back for it later." I nodded slowly. Something is seriously wrong with her lately....

Sean was out of the bathroom dressed in some jeans, converse, a black hoodie, and a gray beanie that covered up most of his bright green hair exactly ten minutes later. I was laying on Sean's bed with my head hanging upside down facing the window. Cierra was on the ground with Kel's laptop, mindlessly scrolling through Tumblr. Kel was laying in his bed staring at the ceiling blankly. As soon as he heard Sean open the door, he quickly stood up, grabbed his clothes, and brushed past Sean to get into the bathroom. I was still staring out the window when Sean walked up to me.

He quickly sat down right in front of my line of vision. He smiled softly and I returned the favor. He then held up a piece of paper that said "Whatcha doing?" I quietly laughed and grabbed a piece of paper from his nightstand, quickly writing back "Well I was staring out the window before you sat in front of me." He smile widens and he folds the piece of paper. As he's writing his smile slightly fades. A worried look paints my face. He once again held up the paper. It read "Are we gonna talk about last night?" I paused and nodded. I grabbed my paper and quickly wrote, "Yes, but not here with Cierra in the room." He read it and nodded slowly in understanding. He quickly stood up once again, my eyes following him curiously. He smiled at me and quickly got on the bed beside me, getting in the same position I'm in. I looked at him the same time as he looked at me. We smiled at the same time before looking out the window simultaneously. I felt him gently grab my hand and softly squeeze it. I smiled slightly and lightly squeezed back, not taking my eyes off the view of the gorgeous city in front of us.

We all sat in a comfortable silence until Kel walked out almost an hour later screaming, "Okay ya cunts let's get this show on the road!!" We all stared at him for a minute before laughing and getting up. We all made sure we had everything before quickly running out of the room and down the hall, screaming like lunatics. PaxPrime here we come!!!

Okay guys, new part done!! Hope you liked it and please no hate....

Stay gold,


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