Meet and Greet

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After officially meeting Bob and Wade, I made my way over to my station. Once there, I familiarized myself with it. I set my bag down beside my chair and sat down. To pass the time I opened my Sharpies and began drawing on my arms. They weren't detailed, just stupid and small sketches.

Finally and announcement came on saying that there was ten minutes till fans started coming in. I smiled widely and quickly took out my phone and turned on the camera. I stared at myself as I fixed my hair and makeup. I suddenly heard a sassy voice behind me. "Gurl, are you taking selfies without me?" I turned around and saw Nathan Owens and Destery Smith a.k.a. AhoyNateo and CapnDesDes, two of my very good friends. I squealed and got up. They both rushed to hug me. Destery was the first one to get to me though. When he hugged me, he picked me up as if I was nothing and spun me around. I squealed again and held onto him tightly. He never put me down though. Instead he passed me onto nathan, to which I wrapped my arms around his neck to ensure that I wouldn't fall. We all laughed as Nathan set me down.

We talked for a minute before another announcement came on saying that we had three minutes till everyone came in. We all looked around and saw everyone else rushing to their stations, opening their Sharpies, or making sure they look okay. Destery and Nathan quickly said their goodbyes before jogging to their stations which just happened to be right across from mine. I smiled and sat down, taking a deep breath and continuing to watch people run around frantically.

All too soon an announcement came on saying that people were allowed to enter. Once the double doors opened, all hell broke loose. People were running over each other, I heard screams and yelling everywhere, it was madness. I even saw a couple of people get into a fist fight before security broke them apart and escorted *cough* dragged *cough* them out of the room. It was worse than before the doors opened. That didn't really surprise me though. People rushed to every station in this room, including mine. I quickly stood up and examined the line only to see at least a hundred people. And there were still more coming in.

My eyes widen as does my smile. I quickly gesture for the first person to come to me. The first person was a woman who seemed to be in her thirties with a little girl clutching onto her hand. The little girl looked to be eight or nine. She had two pieces of paper. One with something drawn on it and the other was blank. The woman nudged the little girl closer to me and stepped to the side. The little girl looked at her mother, who in return gave her an encouraging smile. She still seemed nervous so I gently said, "There's no need to be afraid of me sweetie." I gave her an encouraging smile. She finally stood straighter and took a deep breath before walking up to the table. My smile widened. "What's your name?" She quietly replied, "Lily..." I said, "That's a pretty name." She held out the blank piece of paper and said, "Can you please sign this for me?" I nodded and took the paper from her hands. "Of course." I quickly signed it and handed it back to her. She took the now signed paper and held out the paper with the drawing on it. "What's this?" I asked as I examined it. It had two girls drawn on it. One was tall and one was short. The two girls were holding hands. "Well, that's you." She said and pointed to the taller girl. "And that's me." She pointed to the shorter girl. I looked at her. "This is beautiful Lily. Thank you so much. Would you like a hug and/ or a picture with me?" She nodded excitedly and ran behind the table to where I was. I quickly got up and picked her up. Resting her against my hip, I posed as Lily's mother got out her phone. After the picture as taken Lily gave me the equivalent to a kid bear hug. "Thank you Alice!" Lily yelled as she and her mother walked away. I waved at them before looking at the next person. 

That's pretty much how it was for the rest of the Meet and Greet. I received a lot of fan letters, fanart, and gifts from almost everyone. I had signed so many things that my hand started to hurt. I didn't care though. As long as they were happy, I was happy.


It was now almost 8 o'clock at night and I was exhausted. My hand was hurting and my voice felt like it was going to go out soon. I still had a few people left. I finished meeting and greeting them quicker than I thought. Once the last person left my station, I crossed my arms and rested them on the table. I laid my head on them and closed my eye, ready to go to sleep. I felt suddenly felt someone's presence in front of my table. I slowly opened my eyes to see Jack crouching in front of my table with his arms crossed and also resting on the table. He had his chin on his arm and was staring at me with a playful smile on his face. "Are you tired Alice?" He asked quietly. I nodded tiredly and closed my eyes again. "Well, everyone should be leaving soon so we can pack up and go." I nodded with my eyes still closed. He  kissed my head and gently asked, "Do you want to come sit at my table and keep me company while I finish up?" I slowly nodded and opened my eyes. He smiled and gently grabbed my hand, lifting me onto my feet.

I sluggishly walked to Sean's table as he picked up my chair and brought it to his table. He set the chair down next to his and gestured for me to sit, which I happily obliged. I propped my elbows on the table and rested my head on my hands. I smiled as I watched Sean interacting with his fans. He was so genuine with all of them and made them feel special. I ended up being his little assistant, taking the presents that were given to him and setting them neatly and carefully into a pile beside me.

Soon enough, an announcement came on. "All PaxPrime attendants please start making your way to the various exits around the building. PaxPrime is finished for today but you may come back tomorrow at 10:00 am. I heard everyone in the line groan as they started to walk away.

After the building was cleared of fans, a buff man walked in. "You guys are able to go home now. Make sure the ones who are doing panels tomorrow are here at 9:00 o'clock sharp." With that, he walked out. Everyone sighed in relief as they begin to grab their stuff and walk out. Kel and Cierra walked over to me looking exhausted. I laughed. "You guys tired too." They nodded. "Dude, I don't even want to eat. I just want to go back to the hotel room and sleep." Cierra and I nodded in agreement. Jack walked to us. "Hey guys I already called a cab and they're on their way. Do you guys mind if I vlog on the way home?" We shook our heads and he smiled. "Alright well, let's go." He gesture for us to walk and we did so. We said our byes to everyone as we left.

Once outside we saw a yellow taxi. We all piled in and got settled. As of right now, I just wanted to get into my pajamas and fall asleep to a movie. My eyes were getting droopy and I felt myself  starting to drift off. I tried to keep myself awake by pinching myself. Sean must've noticed because he leaned closer to me and whispers, "You can go to sleep. I'll wake you up once we get there." I nodded and leaned my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes, letting sleep overcome me.

Hey guys! I hope you liked it and please no hate....

Stay gold,

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