Panel pt. 2

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Alice's P.O.V.

We've been up here for maybe half an hour now answering random questions and doing dares every so often. After a couple more minutes everyone was finished asking questions. Felix stood up. "Now we are going to go on Twitter and do some truths and dares. Everyone who wants us to do a truth or dare tell us about it on Twitter with the hashtag Paneltod! We will give you guys a couple of minutes." Felix looked to us and said, "Tweet about the truths and dares. Make sure to add the hashtag." We all nodded simultaneously and pulled out or phones. At least half the audience got our their phones and started typing away along with us. The screens above us flashed with the hashtag that we were supposed to use.

After almost ten minutes Felix spoke up. "Okay the lovely people on stage with me will read the twitter tod's from their phones but they will be displayed on the screens above. Since I am the most fabulous I will go first." We all let out a chuckle as he scrolled to the first truth or dare. "Okay, @felixsfangirl asks, 'Is it hard being fabulous all the time?'" Felix shook his head. "Of course not! Of course it took some years of practice to get my fabulousness perfect but other than that, NOPE!" He did a fabulous pose after speaking.

We smiled as Cierra held her phone up. "So this question if for all of us. It says, what's been your favorite part of coming to PAX?" Everyone 'ooh'ed, waiting eagerly for our answers. Cierra spoke, "Felix?" Felix smiled, "Probably meeting all you bros out there." Everyone made an 'aww' sound. "Cierra then said, "Probably the gifts from my viewers that they worked so hard to either make or get for me. It's really sweet of them to do that and I appreciate it so much." Kel said, "Why the fuck you guys getting so sentimental? My favorite part is the bomb ass hotel rooms we got!" Everyone on stage and in the audience burst out laughing. After we all settled down everyone looked at me. "Um, I don't know. I guess I got to make a lot of new friends including Felix, Jack, and Mark. So that's pretty cool." Jack nodded. "Yeah, I agree with Alice. It was really cool to meet everyone again and make new friends like Cierra, Kel, and Alice." Mark wiped a fake tear away and said. "That was so beautiful." We all laughed again and Mark said, "No but really, I love everything about being here. The panel, the meet and greets, the gifts and friends. It's all so amazing and I feel so honored every time I get invited to do something like this." Everyone smiled at that.

Kel held up his phone and laughed. "So, we finally got a dare." Felix asked, "Who is it for?" Kel replied, "All of us. @Markimoosprincess says, I dare all of you to do an impression of someone and have a conversation." We all nodded and I said, "Seems easy enough. Let's do this." It was silent for a moment before Mark spoke up, "TOP OF THE MORNIN' TO YA LADDIES!" He started ranting in Irish gibberish. Jack started doing a Markiplier impression, I did an impression of Dan, Kel was Mr. Meeseeks from Rick and Morty, Cierra did Filthy Frank, and Felix did Edgar. After a couple of minutes of breaking character to laugh after trying to hold a conversation we ended the dare.

It was my turn to pick a tweet. I rested my phone on my knee (I was still sitting on the couch with my knees to my chest) and read, "Okay, @Alice'sleftboob, great name by the way, says, if you were to be a part of any movie or t.v. show, which one would it be and why?" Everyone thought for a moment. Kel was the first to speak up, "I would be in Rick and Morty. Do you guys understand how bomb that would be!" We all nodded and Felix said, "I'd be in Night at the Museum." We all gave him a strange look. "What? Who wouldn't want to got to a museum that comes to life." We nodded again and Mark said, "I want to be in Apollo 13. I love space so much!" Cierra stated after him, "I'd be in Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. It's my all time favorite." I nodded and looked at the audience. "She's not kidding. She talks about it all the time. Ask Kel." I looked at him and he nodded. "I would be in One Punch Man. It's my favorite anime." Everyone looked at me and Jack said, What about you Minxxy?" I replied without hesitation. "Gay on Ice. Oops, I meant Yuri!!! On Ice. I would kill to meet Victor Nikiforov." Everyone laughed. "You guys think I'm kidding but I would literally stab everyone on this stage to meet him." Felix gasped. "Harsh." I shrugged and chuckled.

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