Dinner and a Video

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Alice's P.O.V.

I put on my dress and matching white heels with red flowers on them. I quickly decided to put my hair up in a high ponytail with a bow on top of it. I took a deep breath before walking out.

I waited in the hallway for a few minutes before I heard Jack's door open. Glancing at him, I noticed that he changed into a blue suit with no tie. I also realized that he had put on his glasses, making him look a hell of a lot sexier. He smiled at me. "You look gorgeous babe." I smiled before pausing. "Crap I forgot to put on makeup."

I walked back inside my room and went to my mirror beside the dresser. I started applying my makeup in a natural look. It didn't take long to do that. I grabbed my phone. Just as I was about to turn it off I noticed that Jack tagged me in an instagram post. I opened it and saw it was a picture of me doing my makeup with the caption being: "I don't understand why she's putting on makeup considering she doesn't need it. But if it makes her feel better then that contour is on fleek! ❤️❤️" I smiled softly and blushed. I made sure to turn off my phone (so it doesn't distract us during dinner) before shoving it in my purse before walking back out to Jack. He smiled at me and grabbed my hand. "Ready?" I nodded. "Alright, let's go!" He and I walked out hand in hand. He hailed a cab and we got in. He told the address to the guy and off we went.

We finally got to our location and he paid the driver. He stepped out first then held his hand out for me. I smiled shyly and grabbed it, letting him help me out. The cab drove off and Jack and I began walking to the restaurant. That didn't last long as a couple fans noticed us. They asked for pictures with us before leaving us alone.

Dinner was nice. It was a very fancy restaurant and it was VERY expensive. I wasn't okay with him paying for it all but he didn't give me a choice. We walked out and he asked me to call for a cab. I got out my phone and turned it on. As soon as it did, it blew up with notifications from Twitter that all had the same hashtag.. "PREGNANTMINXXY!" My eyes widened and I quickly opened the app. Sure enough, there was a screenshot of my video from today. I was sitting on my bed and there was a red circle around the positive pregnancy test still resting on my nightstand. My eyes widened even more. 'Shit, I forgot to put those away.'

Jack noticed my panic and worriedly asked, "What's wrong Alice?" I shakily held up my phone to show him. His eyes widened and he mumbled, "Shit...." I felt tears well up in my eyes and I slowly put my phone back into my purse. I put my hand over my mouth as I let out a small sob. "I'm so sorry Jack. I'm so sorry." I kept repeating what I said. Jack was quick to wrap his arms around me and pull me into a tight embrace. "Hey hey shh." He quietly shushed me and wiped away my tears. I lowered my head and he dipped his to try and make eye contact with me. "Hey, they were bound to find out anyways. Granted, this isn't how either of us wanted it to happen. But it did and we're gonna have to deal with it this way." I nodded slowly. "We'll both be there for each other through it all, okay?" I nodded again. He linked two fingers under my chin and lifted my head. He smiled softly and kissed me gently.

We finally hitched a ride home in a cab and walked inside. "Let's go ahead and record videos. You know, to get it over with." I stated. He nodded and replied, "Let's get changed first." I nodded this time and we walked to our designated rooms. I changed into my sweatpants and t-shirt before I took off my makeup. I let my hair down and ran a brush through it. As I was brushing my hair a knock came from the door. "Come in." In walked Jack wearing sweats and his blue hoodie. He still had his glasses on. "You ready?" I nodded and set my brush down. "Let's do this." We both sat on my bed. "Do you wanna do your video first or mine?" He shrugged. "How about we just make one video and we can just add my intro to save trouble?" I nodded and turned on my camera.

I saluted. "Hello there everyone. It's your girl MsMinxxy. I'm here with my boyfriend Jack." He waved as a hello and I continued. "So this is going to be a more serious video. If you have been on Twitter then you've probably seen the hashtag PREGNANTMINXXY. Jack and I are here to put those rumors to rest." I paused. "Yes, the rumors are true. I've been pregnant for about a week or so. And before you ask, yes, it's Jack's baby. Which is why he's here right now. This is also the reason I moved to Ireland. I guess the suspense is over." I paused again and Jack spoke up, "Also yes, I will be helping raise the baby. I know this is very sudden since we had only announced to be dating a couple weeks ago. But either way, it happened and it's staying. And I'm going to raise this baby the best I can." He stated. I smiled and pecked his lips before continuing talking for a bit. We finally ended the video then recorded his intro.

After everything was done we decided to go to bed. I laid in bed for a couple hours, thinking about everything. All of a sudden I heard hard thunder, scaring the soul out of me. I waited a few minutes, trying to convince myself that everything was okay. I was used to storms, just not this hard. I slowly got up and hesitantly walked out of my room. I softly knocked on Jack's door before opening it. "Jack, can I sleep with you?" I heard Jack shuffle a little. "Are you scared?" I nodded. "Yes." I heard him yawn through the dark before I faintly saw his shadow pull back the covers and scoot over. "Get in." I quickly laid down and Jack covered me up before wrapping his arms around me. "You know if you're staying in Ireland you have to get used to that. I nodded. "I will, just not tonight." He chuckled. "Goodnight Minxxy." I smiled and cuddled into him. "Night Jack." I said before drifting off into a dreamless sleep....

Hope you guys liked it and please no hate....

Stay gold,

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