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Alice's P.O.V.

I was once again woken up by Cierra. "Let's go. We have the panel today." I nodded and got up. I looked around the room to see Sean and Kel standing at the edge of my bed. I walked over to my suitcase and opened it up. I got dressed into striped pants, a black tank top and some black combat boots (in the picture^^). I threw my hair up into a messy ponytail and brushed my teeth before walking out. Everyone looked at me as I walked out. Sean smiled. "Beautiful as always Minxxy." I felt a blush graze over my cheeks and I smiled. "You don't look too bad yourself."  He chuckled as I looked around, noting that it was still pretty dark. "Did you wake me up at this he same time Cierra?" She shook her head. "I got you up fifteen minutes earlier. We all wanted to get breakfast and you haven't eaten anything since the day before yesterday." I nodded in understanding. "Are we staying here for breakfast or going out?" Kel spoke, "Well, I found out that the breakfasts here are total shit so we're going to a cute little cafe about a block away from here." I nodded and started packing my purse with my phone, my charger, a book, my earbuds and my keycard. Once I was finally ready we all walked out towards the elevators.

The cafe was small but cute. We walked in only to see that there was one old couple sitting in a booth near the front and a woman about 40 behind the counter. "You guys go sit down. I'll order." They nodded and told me what they wanted before walking to the back and sitting in a booth. I walked up to the counter and they woman smiled brightly. "Hi there! What can I get for you." After quickly telling her what we wanted she put it in the cash register and said, "Okay, your total will be $10.75." I nodded and grabbed my wallet. Before I could even pull out any money a hand reached beside me, giving her the money. "Keep the change." The familiar voice of Sean said. The woman nodded and said, "We'll be right out with those okay?" He and I nodded before beginning to walk to the table. "You didn't have to do that. I could've payed for it." He shrugged and replied, "Well I wanted to." I smiled as we sat down. I was by the wall across from Cierra and Sean sat beside me, who was across from Kel.

We all made small talk as we waited for our food. Finally the woman from earlier came out with our food. Once it was all passed out, we thanked her and she walked away. We all dig into our food. Sean and I were sharing pancakes and bacon, Cierra was having French toast and Kel had eggs and bacon. We were all basically silent as we ate.

Suddenly Cierra grabbed a piece of bacon off of Kel's plate. He looked at her surprised. "Hey, give that back." Cierra shook her head and stuck one end of the bacon in her mouth. "Make me." She said with the bacon still in her mouth. Without any warning Kell suddenly pinned one of her wrists to the table and the other the the back of the booth. Cierra's eyes widened in shock. Kel suddenly leaned in close to her. He stared into her eyes before leaning into her a little more. He bit off what was left of the bacon and leaned away from her. He let go of her wrists and turned back to his plate. Sean and I stared at him in complete shock. Cierra was still leaned up against the wall and stared at him surprised. He looked up at the three of us. "What?" Cierra seemed to come out of her shock as she looked down and blushed deeply. "I-I'm going to use the bathroom." Without another word she got up onto the seat and stepped over Kel, walking to the back.

Cierra's P.O.V.

'I am going to kill him.' I thought as I leaned against the wall in front of the bathrooms. I suddenly felt a hand in front of my shoulder, making me jump. I heard the heavenly laugh that I grew to love so much. I glared at Kel. "What the hell was that? They could've found out about us." I said. He shrugged. "Sorry babe. I saw a chance and I took it. That's the closest I've been to you since we were at home. We haven't spent a lot of time with each other." I sighed. "I know."

He looked down. "When are we going to tell Alice about us?" I thought for a minute. "I don't know. When the time is right." He looked at me again. "Well when will the the time be right? I hate hiding something so big from my best friend." I glanced at him. "Do you think I enjoy keeping this from my friend? Because I don't. I hate doing this." I could feel myself getting louder and louder as I talked. "In fa-" I was suddenly cut off by a warm pair of lips on mine. Kel wrapped his arms around my waist. I kissed him back and wrapped my arms around his neck. I loved the feeling of his lips against mine. It gave me a sense of comfort. I slowly broke off the kiss and leaned my forehead against his, softly sighing. "I'm sorry. I'm just scared of how she'll react. I don't want her to be mad at us for not telling her." Kel chuckled. "You really think that she could be mad at us? She'll probably be happy for us. She's always thought we'd be cute together." I smiled and nodded. It was true. She always makes subtle hints that we should be together. We usually just brushed them off.

Kel brushed his fingers over my lips. "We should probably get back to the table." I nodded and started to get out of his grip. He suddenly pulled me close to him again. "One more kiss before we go?" I giggled and nodded, crashing my lips into his. He licked my bottom lip, asking for access. I gladly granted it and our tongues explored every inch of each other's mouths. I suddenly heard a small gasp. We both quickly pulled away to see Jack standing there with his eyes wide and his mouth hung open. "H-he- she- you-" He was gesturing between us with his eyes still wide. He then practically yelled, "You guys a-" he was cut off by my hand covering his mouth, effectively muffling his words. I put a finger over my lips before whispering, "Yes, we're together. But Alice doesn't know that yet." He moved my hand away and whispered, "Well when are you planning on telling her?" I looked at Kel before saying, "Soon." Kel nodded. "How long have you guys been together." Kel spoke up this time. "We just passed seven months." His eyes widened again and nodded. "I can't wait for Alice to find out." I shook my head. "Jack only you and a few other people know that we're together. For the love of God and all that's holy, please do not tell Alice that we're together. That's something that we need to do." He smiled. "I promise I won't tell her." We both sighed in relief and nodded.

"Okay, let's head back to the table. Alice is probably thinking that we ditched her by now." Kel and Jack laughed at my statement. We all then walked back to the table where Alice sat waiting with a bored expression. She seemed to perk up when she saw us. "Did you guys get lost or something?" We all laughed and continued our conversation as if nothing had just happened. I felt Kel grab my hand from under the table and I smiled slightly.

Alice's P.O.V.

After Cierra left Sean and I seemed to come out of our shock and we looked at each other as if we were both thinking 'what just happened?' We looked back at Kel as he got up and said, "Well, I gotta use the bathroom." With that, he walked to the back. We looked back to each other. "Oh my god, please tell me that I didn't just imagine that." I said. Sean shook his head. "No, it happened. That was bizarre." I nodded in agreement. "I wonder what made him do that." He said, trailing off near the end. I nodded. I was thinking the same thing.

Sean shook his head before getting up. "I'm gonna go see what was up with him." He walked away before I could protest. I sighed and looked out the window. There were people everywhere. People in business suits, teenagers on their phones, children holding their parents hands. The street and road were full of talking. I almost enjoyed the noise. I don't know why, but noise seems to calm me down. I always had to have a noise around me.

I was getting bored without the others here. They had been gone for a while now. I was just about to get up and check on them when they all came out from the back. I perked up slightly, happy that they were back to cure my boredom. They sat down again and we all started conversing again. Suddenly Cierra smiled wider than she was earlier. I stared at her curiously but quickly shrugged it off as we all got up and walked back outside. Kel hailed a cab and we all got in, beginning our drive to the building that we were in the previous day.

Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated in forever. I've had some writers block for a while as it seems I've been using my creative juices to write my new story. Anyways, I hope you liked it and please no hate....

Stay gold,

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