Back From the Honeymoon

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Alice's P.O.V.

After two weeks of being on a honeymoon in Hawaii, we finally made it home. Mark so generously offered to watch AraRose. I could've sworn that he was just gonna steal our kid but he kept claiming that "we needed the alone time." He always winked afterwards so you can assume what he meant. But to be fair, that did happen once or twice during the trip but he doesn't need to know that. And being the YouTubers we are, we filmed us walking around in Hawaii and going to dinner and shops and such.

The plane rides took forever. We had to get up at 2:00 in the morning to make sure we had everything packed, check out of the hotel, get something to eat, and make it to the airport in time to get through every security check. It was around 7:00 in the morning when we got back. We were tired as all hell and we were ready to just eat and go to sleep. Jack and I walked quietly through the front door with our luggage, just in case Mark and AraRose were still asleep. We set our stuff in the living room and walked to the kitchen.

In there we saw Mark and Jack cooking what looked and smelled to be pancakes, bacon, sausage, and eggs. Well, Mark was cooking. AraRose kept trying to steal bacon. We stood there watching them for a few minutes with a smile on our faces. Finally, AraRose noticed us. "Mommy! Daddy!" She ran towards us with open arms. Jack and I crouched down at the same time and opened our arms, embracing her as she clashed against us. We both gave her a kiss and after a minute pulled away. By that time Mark was in front of us. We stood up and Jack gave Mark a hug. Mark then moved on to me and we embraced before giving each other a kiss on the cheek. After we pulled away I glaned at the food and picked up AraRose, resting her on my hip. "So what's all this?" AraRose smiled. "I wanted to make breakfast for you and Daddy so I asked Uncle Mark to help me." Mark mumbled, "More like screamed in my ear for an hour until I agreed to help." Jack busted out laughing. "Yep, that comes with having a kid." Mark sighed and I said, "Still want to keep her?" Mark nodded vigorously. "Of course!" We all chuckled and Jack said, "You know that's not even the worst of it." Mark's eyes widened and he gave Jack an exasperated look. I nodded. "Oh yeah, the worst is when they're still a baby. They scream and cry everyday. It could be because they're hungry, they need a change. It could just be nothing at all." Mark sighed and he looked at AraRose before looking down. "I never want a baby." He mumbled, making us laugh.

All of a sudden I asked, "Hey Jack can you go get the presents out of my suitcase?" AraRose gasped as Jack nodded and walked into the living room. "You got presents!?" I nodded. "Are they for me?" I shook my head and playfully said, "Nope. They're all for uncle Mark." AraRose gasped and pouted, crossing her arms playfully while Mark chuckled. I set AraRose down and she ran to the living room with Jack. After a minute Jack walked in with the bag of souvenirs, AraRose on his heels. He held out the bag to her, to which she grabbed and excitedly started running through. She showed everything in the bag to the three of us. During the process Mark and Jack finished making breakfast and began eating. I bit my lip nervously as she got to the final two gifts. She pulled out a dolphin anklet and asked me to put it on. After doing so she pulled out the final present that confused her. "Mommy, what's this?" I looked to the guys, who were in their own conversation seeing as Jack already knew what the presents were and Mark was curious about the trip. Then I got on my knees and pulled her close to me, whispering in her ear, "How would you like to have a baby brother or sister?" She gasped and looked at me, understanding what I was saying. "Really!?" She whisper-yelled. I chuckled and nodded. She squealed excitedly and wrapped her small arms around my neck. I laughed, hugging her back. The boys heard the squeal and looked at us. "I know the presents weren't that exciting. What could've made her so happy?" Jack asked while Mark nodded in agreement. I never told Jack because I wanted to surprise both him and AraRose at the same time. I looked down at her and smiled. "Wanna show daddy and Uncle Mark your last present?" She nodded excitedly and held out the positive pregnancy test. Jack took it with curiosity clear in his features. Mark walked up behind him and their eyes widened, both figuring out what it was at the same time. Jack let out an excited yelp and scooped down, picking me up from AraRose and spinning me around. "I can't believe it!" I heard AraRose giggle loudly at our antics. Jack set me down and Mark gave us a hug. "Congrats you guys." We thanked him and Jack picked up AraRose now spinning her around while her giggles turned into full on laughing. He set her down and we continued on with breakfast, now with a happier vibe.

Hope you guys liked it and please no hate....

Stay gold,

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