Special Surprises

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Alice's P.O.V.

Jack has now been staying here for maybe three or four weeks. He plans on staying two more weeks. He had taken me on several dates and he officially asked me to be his girlfriend two weeks ago. Currently we are setting up for a video so that we can announce it officially to our babies (subscribers). "So you'll stay down there while I do my intro then I'll say "My girlfriend!" and you'll jump up. Got it?" I nodded and got on the ground while he sat on my bed.

I made sure to stay out of view as he did hiss intro. "WAPOOSH! TOP OF THE MORNING TO YA LADDIES MY NAME IS JACKSE-" He was cut off because he started laughing due to me pinching his sides repeatedly. He quickly grabbed my hands and pulled me on top of his as he laid back down on the bed. We continued to giggle like idiots for a few minutes before calming down. We both took a deep breath. "We'll have to edit this out obviously." I nodded and we composed ourselves before sitting back in our original spots.

The intro alone took twenty minutes because he kept messing up and we were messing around. Finally he got it right and he continued talking, "So as you can tell I'm not in my usual recording setting. That's because I'm not at home. Hell, I'm not even in Ireland. I'm actually in England. You may wonder: Wtf Jack? Why are you there? Well I'm actually here to spend time with my girlfriend. Yep, you heard it right, I finally found someone that can handle my constant yelling and annoying attitude. "So please welcome my girlfriend!" He held up jazz hands. I quickly jumped up and sat on the bed after my cue. "Hello everyone!" We continued talking for a bit before he asked me, "Hey, can you go outside for a minute? I wanna tell my bosses something." I was confused. Nevertheless, I nodded and got up, walking out of the room. I made sure to close the door behind me and I walked down to the kitchen.

On the way I caught a glimpse of Cierra and Kel cuddling on the couch in the living room while watching Moana. "Hey do you guys want anything while I'm in the kitchen?" Cierra replied, "Can I have some popcorn?" I nodded. "One sec." I walked into the kitchen and put on some tea. I then put popcorn in the microwave.

Out of nowhere I felt extremely nauseous. I put one hand over my stomach and the other over my mouth as I sprinted to the bathroom. I leaned over the toilet and started puking up my guts and lunch. I felt a pair of hands hold my hair back while a third hand rubbed my back. When I was done I looked up and saw Cierra holding my hair while Kel stood there beside her. "Are you okay sweetie?" She asked. I nodded. "I think I need to lay down." Cierra nodded and without a word Kel picked me up bridal style and Cierra opened my bedroom door. I weakly protested him picking me up as Kel walked in. We saw Jack turning off the camera. He turned and looked at me. "What happened?" Kel laid me down. "She threw up so now I'm laying her down." Kel replied. Jack nodded worriedly as I began to drift off.


For the past week I've been throwing up every day. I have an appointment with the doctor today just to make sure it's not too bad. I assured everyone that I could get there and back by myself before heading out.

I got to the doctors who did their usual thing. They ran a couple of tests before walking out. After waiting fifteen minutes before my doctor came out. He smiled warmly at me. "Congratulations Ms. Minxx. You're a month pregnant." My eyes widened. 'How!? Jack and I were careful! We had pro-' I stopped my thoughts as I thought back to five weeks ago. Jack never used a condom, I've never been on the pill. We weren't protected. I thanked the doctor and walked out. Before I left the doctor gave me confirmation test papers. My mind was full of questions during the ride home. 'What if he doesn't want it? We've only been dating for a couple weeks! What will our subscribers think? What will Kel and Cierra think?"

I finally got to the house and turned off my car. I took a deep breath.  'Might as well tell him now. I don't want him to be kept from this.' I got inside and set my keys down. Not even a minute later the was a wild Jack barreling towards me. He gave me a peck on the cheek and a soft embrace. "So what did they say?" I took a deep breath. "I'm gonna answer your question with a question. If I were to tell you what's going on, you promise you'll stay?" His eyes widened and he nodded his head vigorously. "Of course Alice! Now tell me what's wrong. You're scaring me." I took another deep breath as I began tearing up. I looked up to be met with his concerned expression.

"I'm pregnant." His eyes widened and he froze, his grip tightening on my waist. His reaction gave me bad vibes. I let out a soft sob and shrugged out of his arms. I quickly ran to my room, continuing to cry. I slammed my door and locked it before plopping on the bed. After about an hour I heard the front door open and Cierra and Kel walk in. I faintly heard Cierra and Kel ask what was going on and I didn't hear Jack's reply.

Not long after I heard a knock on my door. "Alice, sweetie can we come in? It's only me and Kel." I heard the sweet voice of Cierra. I slowly got up and unlocked the door, letting them in. They sat on my bed with me in between them. "Jack said that you had told him something and his reaction made you upset." I nodded. "Can you tell us what you told him?" That made tears spring from my eyes again and I started crying into Kel's shoulder, softly repeating, "please don't be mad at me, please don't be mad at me, please don't be mad...." Cierra was quick to cut me off. "Minxxy we could never be mad at you. Now tell us what happened before we force it out of Jack." I ran a hand through my hair and slowly got up. I grabbed the confirmation paper and handed them to Cierra. Kel looked over her shoulder. After a minute of reading Kel's eyes widened and he yelled, "YOU GUYS FUCKED!?!?" I heard something drop from in the kitchen before Jack burst through the door.

"Did I really just hear what I thought I heard?" Kel looked at him. "When did you guys fuck?" Jack and I blushed and I stepped in. "Remember a couple weeks ago when I had come back early from PAX and Jack came the next day?" Cierra nodded. "Yeah then we came back the next day." She trailed off. "That day." Kel started laughing. "You guys got to work fast." I blushed even deeper and saighed. "So what are you guys going to do? Jack lives in Ireland and we live here." Cierra pointed out. I looked down, knowing she was right. "It all depends on if Jack even wants this baby." We all turned our attention to him. His eyes widened. "Of course I want my baby! Why wouldn't I?" I shrugged and mumbled, "You're reaction to the news...." He sighed and walked closer to me, resting his hands on my shoulders. "I realize that my reaction alarmed you, and I'm sorry about that. But I was just in shock. Alice I want this baby more than anything and I'll do anything to make sure I stay with you and this baby." By this point I was crying. Only this time it wasn't from sadness, rather they were tears of joy. I quickly hugged him and wrapped my arms around his neck. He wrapped his arms around me in a warm embrace.

After a few minutes we pulled away and noticed Cierra and Kel smiling fondly at us. Finally Kel spoke up, "Now that that's been cleared up, what happens now?" I thought for a minute before looking at Jack. "Do you have room for two more in Ireland?"

Hey guys! Sorry for the delayed updating, been busy and shit. Anyways, hope you guys liked it and please no hate....

Stay gold,

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