Moving In

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Alice's P.O.V.

It was decided: I was to go back to Ireland and live there with Jack and live there with him. We had decided to leave my furniture here because it was too much to bring over there and we needed something to be there when I visit. As of right now we are finishing packing our bags. We were to leave in the morning. After another few hours we finished and went downstairs for dinner. Kel had ordered Domino's (tbh my favorite pizza place) and also some pizza from Pizza Hut, seeing as it was Cierra's favorite. We all ate and watched Moana, singing along with it, before going to bed. We got up at 2:00 am, seeing as the flight left at 3:15. Jack and I both took showers and got dressed into sweats and Jack wore a long sleeve shirt while I just wore his jacket. We woke up Cierra and Kel and said our goodbyes before calling a cab.


Jack opened the door and helped me bring our stuff in. He led me to a spare bedroom that was to be claimed as mine. Jack's apartment had four rooms. One was his room, two were spare, and the last on he turned into his recording room. After we got settled he kissed me goodnight before walking to his bedroom. I was quick to fall asleep after I laid down.

I woke up the next morning to the sunlight shining through the windows. For a minute I freaked out, forgetting what had happened just hours before. I checked the time on my phone and saw it was 11:24 in the morning. I slowly got up and walked to the door, opening it. I walked to Jack's room and softly knocked before opening the door.

Glancing around the room, I didn't see him. I heard noises come from one of the other rooms and slowly walked towards it. I quietly opened the door and saw Jack standing (yes standing, because in some videos he is standing) at his desk, playing a game. He must have heard me because he turned around and looked at me. A smile lit up his face and he took off his headphones. He got up and walked over to me. "Hey babe. How'd you sleep?" I shrugged. "I slept good. That bed is so comfy." He laughed and gave me a peck on the lips. "Wanna play with me?" He gestured to his gaming setup. I raised an eyebrow. "Depends on what game." He smiled. "Happy Wheels." I shrugged and nodded. "Hold on. Let me get dressed into something more appropriate." He nodded and got another chair so that I may sit down while I walked out. After looking through my bag I noticed something sticking out of one of the side pockets. It was the pregnancy confirmation papers. I picked them up and smiled softly at them before setting them on my nightstand. I quickly got dressed and ran a brush through my hair before walking out.

I softly knocked on the door and I heard Jack say "Come in

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I softly knocked on the door and I heard Jack say "Come in." I walked in and sat down in the other computer chair by his. He adjusted the camera so that we could both be seen.

After a few minutes of adjusting and making sure I was okay he continued the video. "Look who joined me! My lovely girlfriend Alice." I gave a small wave  before doing my usual video intros. That would be saluting and saying, "Hello there everyone." He smiled at me before we continued the game.

After about an hour he decided to end the video. "Well that does it for this episode of Happy Wheels. I'm so glad Alice was able to be here with us." He gestured to me, rubbing my ear still from when he yelled at Steve for running into spikes. "Don't know if I can say the same." I said jokingly before being serious. "No but really it was fun being here and maybe I'll be here again?" I turned the last part into a question as I looked at Jack. He nodded. "Oh yeah definitely. Anyways you can click here," he pointed to a random spot that was still in the camera's view, "to check out Alice's channel. She also has a gaming channel which you can go to right here." He pointed to another spot. "Anyways, if you liked the video, punch that like button in the face like a boss! And," I cut him off. "High-fives all around." We did the high-five move and Jack continued, "Well thank you guys and I will see all you dudes, IN THE NEXT VIDEO!" He and I did his signature ending pose in unison. When we finished he looked at me. "Want some lunch?" I looked at the time and saw it was 12:40. I nodded and we both got up.

He led me to the kitchen where he sat me on the counter while he looked through the fridge. "You in the mood for anything specific?" I shrugged. "Let's just make grilled cheese." He nodded and got everything out. We quickly finished making the food and ate. After that we both decided to film a video. He went to his gaming room to record his second video of the day while I had to record a vlog explaining where I was. I setup my camera in my bedroom in front of my bed in a somewhat weird position. For the video I wanted to sit on my bed against the wall. I turned it on and sat criss cross on my bed. I did my signature salute and said, "Hello there everyone. So as you can see I'm not where I usually am. Well, that is because...." I paused for dramatic effect. "I moved to Ireland with Jack!" I did jazz hands. "I know this is very sudden but this is for a good reason that I will not reveal yet. So we are going to go say hi to Jack. He's also recording a video and if I'm correct, he's playing a horror game so maybe we can scare him." I picked up my camera and shrugged. "I don't know."

I quietly walked out of my room and tiptoed to his gaming room where I can hear him panicking slightly.  I quietly opened the door without him noticing and made a shushing gesture both his and my camera. I played the game he was playing so I knew when the next jumpscare was. I waited patiently and right after a jumpscare happened I screamed and grabbed his shoulders. He screamed even louder and brought his hand back, punching my head in the process. I fell to the ground in pain and dropped my camera.

His eyes widened once he realized it was me. I had my hand where he punched me. I was laughing even though I was in slight pain. "Oh my God Alice! Why the hell would you do that? Are you okay?" He crouched down and gently pulled my hand away. "I'm fine." I said through laughter. "Sorry babe." I smiled. He sighed and helped me up. I picked up my camera and we talked for a bit before he sent me back to my room.

I talked for a bit more before saying goodbye to my babies. I decided not to edit it and just post it. I left it to upload. After Jack finished recording he walked into my room. "Hey babe, do you want to go out for dinner? I can show you around Ireland while we're at it." I smiled and nodded. He nodded and left me to get dressed.

Hope you guys liked it and please no hate.......

Stay gold,

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