Panel pt. 1

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Alice's P.O.V.

It was ten minutes before we were supposed start our panel and Mark, Jack, Felix, Cierra, Kel, and I were all waiting backstage while the staff were doing mic checks. I peeked around the corner of the side of the stage and saw the room was full of people. My nerves seemed to finally kick in and I started pacing around. My hands became sweaty and it felt like I was gonna faint at any second. I suddenly felt arms wrapped around my waist and I was pulled against someone's chest. I looked up and saw Jack. He smiled down at me. "Don't worry. I've done this before and it's not as bad when you're finally on stage." I took a deep breath. I thought about what happened earlier outside and slowly looked at him again. "Can you tell me why you were being so secretive earlier? What's going on between you two? Are you guys-" I paused, not really wanting to say it- "Are you guys together?" His eyes widened. "What? God no, we're not together. We just," It was his turn to pause. "Cierra told me your birthday was coming up soon and I needed her help on what to get you." I processed what he said and slightly sighed in relief. "Oh, okay. I'm sorry for acting the way I did earlier." He shrugged. "It's all good. I can't really blame you for thinking that way."

Cierra walked over to us. "What are we talking about?" We looked at her and I said, "Jack told me." Cierra's face paled and my answer seemed to catch Kel's attention because he walked over to us. "He did what?" I nodded and responded, "Why didn't you guys just tell me you were doing something related to my birthday?" Cierra and Kell stared in shock and the color faded back into Cierra's skin. "Oh, well we didn't wanna ruin the surprise." Cierra paused and looked at Jack. "Guess the cat's outta the bag." He and Kel nodded. I looked around and sighed. "I forgot my water back at my booth. I'm gonna go get it real quick." They nodded and I jogged off back to the direction of my booth.

Jack's P.O.V.

I watched her jog away before I felt a small punch on my shoulder. I looked at Cierra confused. Before I could speak she giggled excitedly. "Nice cover Sean!" She practically jumped into my arms and gave me a tight hug before letting go. Kel said, "Yeah, you had us worried for a second. I thought I was gonna have to kick your ass." We all laughed and Kel put his arm around Cierra. He kissed her forehead and we heard two gasps.

We looked over and saw Mark and Felix standing there. "You two are dating?" Mark asked. "That's so kawaii!" Felix yelled. Kel and Cierra were quick to shush them. "Shut up! Alice could come back any second!" They looked confused. "Why would it matte-" Felix froze. "Wait," He said instead of finishing his earlier question. Mark's eyes widened in realization. "She doesn't know!?" We all shushed him again and Cierra started fiddling with the end of her sleeve. "No, she doesn't. And we're gonna keep it that way. At least until PAX is over." We continued discussing that before going into random topics. We then heard Alice, "I'm back."

Alice's P.O.V.

I jogged up to them again. "Sorry, some people saw me and wanted a picture and such." Cierra shook her head and laughed. "You really gotta learn how to say no." I shrugged. "And I probably never will." I playfully and smugly smiled at her. Then some staff pulled each of us in a different direction, putting mics on us and such. We all grouped up again and someone whisper-yelled, "10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2," They gestured for Felix to go out.

As soon as he stepped on stage there were ear-piercing cheers and screams from fangirls and boys. Felix asked how everyone was before introducing us on stage and bringing us out one by one. First Kel, then Mark, then Cierra, then Jack. I was the last one on stage. Everyone was losing their minds. It made my smile widen if that was even possible. We all sat down on the couches provided (It's like that one panel where Jack, Mark, Felix and Ken did a panel except there is one more couch between the chairs). Mark was sitting on the right and Felix was sitting on the left side of the two chairs on either side of the couch. Jack and I sat on the couch to the right by Mark and Cierra and Kel were sitting on the couch to the left by Felix. Felix started the panel by saying, "First of all, to help you guys get to know us better, I'm going to be asking each person up here a question. Is that cool?" Everyone screamed and I spoke up, "Why is it at things like this or concerts when the person on stage asks a question everyone screams? Like, imagine you're just like, "Hey Joe," And Joe started screaming and clapping." That made everyone else laugh. Felix then said, "Ignoring that statement, I'll start the questions."

He looked at Cierra. "Full name?" Cierra laughed at his sudden "seriousness" and replied, "Cierra Nichole Arnold." He nodded. "Nicknames, age, favorite color, social security number?" Cierra once again laughed, this time at the last question. "Sometimes I will allow myself to be called CC. If you call me it without my permission you're dead. I'm 23, pastel purple, and I can't say." He nodded. "Too much info?" She shook her head, "No I just can't remember it for the life of me." At that we all let out a chuckle and then Felix went into "serious mode." He took a deep breath. "And this last question is probably the most important question you will ever be asked in your life." She sighed before saying, "Bring it." He paused dramatically. "Who is your favorite Youtuber?" Everyone had a moment of silence before bursting out laughing. It took Cierra a couple of minutes to calm down. "Um, I don't know. I guess little miss Alice over here." Felix pouted. "You're just saying that because she's your best friend.

She shrugged and he sighed, now focusing on Kel. "Kel, I'm gonna need your full name, nicknames, age, favorite animal, and favorite Youtuber." Kel nodded with fake seriousness. "Full name: Kelin Rogue Marcus but you can call me Kel. I'm also 23, my favorite animal is a tiger. Finally, my favorite Youtuber is Mark." Felix once again groaned. "Why won't anyone say my name for their favorite Youtuber?" We all made an 'aw' sound and he rolled his eyes. "Whatever."

He turned to me and got up, walking over to me. He crouched in front of me and grabbed my shoulders, shaking them slightly. "Alice. I need answers! What's your full name? Nicknames?  Your age? Favorite anime? Favorite Youtuber!?" His voice got louder and his shaking got rougher as he went on. I couldn't contain my laugh as Jacke intervened, "Bloody hell Felix you're gonna shake her to death ya fucking Swedish meatball!" Felix held in a laugh and just stared at me. He slowly stopped shaking me. "My name is Alison Johannah Minxx. Call me Alice, Jojo, and Minxxy. I'm 22, I'm obsessed with Yuri!!! On Ice." At that, a couple of people cheered. I smiled and continued, "And lastly, my favorite Youtuber is a three way tie between Dan, Phil, and Jack." Felix let out an annoyed scream, making Jack and I both jump back and me curl up slightly on the couch. "What the fuck Pewds!? Are you trying to give us heart attacks!?" Jack yelled while resting his hand over his heart. I calmed down and sighed. "Why does no one on this stage love me!?" Felix said while fake crying. I rolled my eyes and took a deep breath when my heart got back to a normal pace.

After a few minutes Felix finally calmed down and turned to Jack. "Jack, I'm just asking the same questions as Alice. Full name, nicknames, favorite anime, and favorite Youtuber?" Jack leaned back on the couch and rested his arm across the back of it, somewhat bending it so it was wrapped around me. "Sean William McLoughin, Jack and Jackaboy, 24 (I know he's older than that but I want him younger), One Punch Man, and considering I don't want you screaming like a little bitch again my favorite Youtuber is a tie between you, Mark, and Alice." A slight pink dusted my cheeks while Felix cheered. "I'm a little upset that I'm not your one and only but I'll take it!" At that we all laughed. Mark was pretending to be mad. "Why the hell am I not you're one and only? What does Alice have that I don't?" Jack smiled. "Good content." He paused and everyone in the room made an 'ooh' sound, including the people on stage. "Plus if I proposed to her she wouldn't say no." Everyone laughed. Mark pouted playfully and crossed his arms. "You don't know that." He said childishly.

Felix then said "Okay moving on. Mark I'm gonna need some answers. Full name, nicknames, prefered pants brand, favorite Youtuber." Mark thought for a minute. "Mark Edward Fischbach, Markiplier, Levi's, and it WAS Jack as my favorite Youtuber but now it is me!" He posed playfully, making everyone let out an amused chuckle. Felix shook his head. "I can't even get mad at that one. Okay now that we know a little more about each other let's get onto what we are here for." He paused for dramatic effect. "Twitter q&a/ dares."

Hey guys! Hope you liked it and please no hate.....

Stay gold,

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