Locked in.

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Chapter 1.

Ellie's POV

"Ellie! Get down here and pick up your shoes please! The Barlows will be here any minute now!" Mom yells from downstairs.

"Ok!" I yell.

'Oh joy...' I think to myself. 'Michael's coming over.'

I scowl as i reminisce at the torture that boy has put me through over the years.

My name's Ellie Pagura. I'm 15 years old and I'm probably the smartest person you'll ever meet. I love to read.

Enough about me.

The Barlows and the Paguras are a long line of family friends... Unfortunately.

The oldest child in the current Barlow generation is Michael. I HATE Michael with all my heart.

We've been forced to hang out our whole life. The act we put on in front of our parents, the act where we pretend to be the best of friends, is bullshit.

I lay back against the headboard on my bed and sigh, remembering the time Michael pushed me in a river when we were five.

I also remember the time he was holding something behind his back, being little I thought maybe he was offering me a symbol of peace or something.

How could i have been so stupid?!

He then threw a nasty old toad at me and i screamed as i ran to tell on him and wash my hands.

Suddenly, i'm snapped out of the trance i was in when i hear the doorbell ring.

I then notice that i'm still in my pajamas.

Hey, it's the first day of summer vacation. I can do what i want.

I quickly put on a purple tanktop and. some jean shorts.

"ELLIE GET DOWN HERE! THE BARLOWS ARE HERE!" Mom screams towards my room.

"OK IM COMING!" I yell back, annoyed.

Just to make her mad, i spend extra time on my makeup and hair, curling each strand perfectly and applying eyeliner for once.

"ELLIE COME HERE NOW." mom screams.

"I SAID I WAS COMING! GOD!" I snickered out my door.

I spray on a little bit of perfume before i check myself out in the mirror.

My long, brown hair looks amazing curled like this and the eye liner makes my blue eyes pop.

I walk down the stairs and am embraced in a very tight hug.

Mrs. Barlow.

"HOW ARE YOU SWEETHEART!" She exclaims pulling away from me and looking me up and down.

"I'm good th-" i start to answer.

"YOU LOOK ADORABLE!" She pinches my cheek.

"Thanks Mrs. Bar-" she cuts me off again

"OH MICHAEL! TELL ELLIE HOW NICE SHE LOOKS!" she yells in Michael's direction.

He looks at me with a scowl until he sees my face, checks me out, raises his eyebrows, and considers me for a minute.

I blush.


"Uhh.. You look nice Ellie." He says, his voice cracking a little bit when he says my name.

"Th-thank you..." I stutter.

I'm not used to attention.

Especially from guys.

"Ok, you two run along while we finish up dinner!" My mom says, pointing to my shoes.

"And take those to your room Ellie." She scowls at me.

"Ok." I reply straightly.

I pick up my shoes and start up the stairs, noticing Michael at my heels as i jog up the stairs.

I go into my room and sit on my bed, throwing my shoes into my open closet. Michael sits down in his usual spot on my window seat.

I look over at him and he has his head rested on the window, he's staring into the distance like he's deep in thought. I cant help but think of how good that T-shirt looks on him. It fits him perfectly and shows is muscles in the sleeves. Ah! Snap out of it ellie!

Instead of talking to him, (it's nice to have him quiet for once), i pick up my book and begin reading.

I'm actually surprised at how long he stays zoned out. But immediately after he snaps to, he peels a sheet of notebook paper out of a notebook and crumples it into a ball, throwing it at me.

"Stop!" I say, throwing it back.

"I'm bored." He whines.

"Well i'm not here to entertain you, get out." I say in a matter-of-fact tone.

He shrugs and gets up, leaving to see what my older brother is up to.

I watch him walk out and the second he's out of ear-reach, i sprint to my dresser and take out my deodorant.

I don't know what's come over me, i usually never get nervous around Michael like this.

I hate him. Just as i always have.

I shake my head to rid the thought and pick up my notebook. I take out a pencil and begin letting my mind drift freely, drawing whatever it pleases.

This is an exercise my art teacher taught us. I usually do my best drawing when i do this.

I zone out and let my hand scribble across the page.

I stop when Michael walks in my room. I look down and notice i had drawn a picture of him and i, holding hands.

I quickly sit on my notebook and look up at his face, he looks suspicious but i just smile at him, hoping i'm not blushing, hoping that he doesn't realize that its him..

Oh is grey eyes were so dreamy. He was every girl in my schools dream guy. Football team captain, he's got looks, and boy is he good with girls.

"Uhh... Dinner is ready." He says, snapping me out of my gaze, as he walks out.

I try to shake every thought of him out of my head. That's ridiculous! What has gotten into me!

I smile and giggle to myself as i walk down the long hallway, looking at the pictures on the walls of Michael and I from years ago.

There's one of us covered in finger paint.

There's one where i'm punching him on the arm as he laughs at the worm on my head.

There's one of us sitting in his bathtub together.


I chuckle as i walk down the stairs.

I don't like him at all.

Well, that's what i thought.

Until i saw his perfect face again.

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