Chapter 15

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Sans and I walked to Grillby's laughing and telling jokes on the way.

"How do skeletons call their friends?" He asked me.

"I don't know, how?" I asked him, holding back a smile.

"On the telebone." He said as he started to laugh.

"That was the worst one I've heard yet." I said as I laughed at how dumb it was.

"Yeah, well it's not like you could do any better." He said, trying to sound cool.

"Hey I so could!" I said, challenging him.

"Lay one on me then." He stated. I stayed quiet as I thought for awhile. I couldn't think of a really good joke on the spot.

"What's green and has wheels?" I asked sounding unsure with my joke.

"What?" He asked.

"Grass, I lied about the wheels." I said.

"Heh that was funny but not the best I've ever heard." He said with a smile.

"I know." I said, rolling my eyes as I smiled back at him. We continued to walk and we made it to Grillby's.

We ordered our usual and sat their eating our food.

"So what did you want to ask me?" I asked Sans.

"Um- i um.." He said as he seemed to be lost on what to say.

"Sans are you ok?" I asked, sounding concerned for him. He turned to me and looked me in the eyes and grabbed my hands. I blushed at the sudden contact.

"We've know each other for awhile now and I've never been as happy as I am around you. Y/N I really like you. Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked me looking deeply into my eyes.

"Yes! I would love to be you girlfriend Sans!" I said as I hugged him tightly as he hugged back. I was so happy! Sans finally asked me to be his girlfriend.

I've liked him ever since I first met him. But I was never fully sure if he liked me back the same way that I liked him. Now I know that he does feel the same way. I smiled as I continue to hug him.

We sat like that for awhile until we finally let go of each other.

"I love you Y/N!" Sans said to me as he put his arm around me.

"I love you too Sans!" I said happily to him as I kissed his cheek. Once we were done eating we began to walk back to our house. While we were walking Sans reached his hand out and began to hold mine.

I began to blush as I held onto his hand. When we got into the house we got a suspicious glance from Papyrus and Toriel.

"Meet my knew girlfriend Y/N." Sans said happily as he placed his arm around me. I blushed as I looked at them waiting for their response.

"Oh isn't that just lovely! I'm glad you two are happy together!" Toriel happily said to the both of us.


"Thanks bro." Sans said to Papyrus. I looked at the time and realized that I had to go to Alphys for work.

"Oh I have to go to work now." I told them as I kissed sans on the forehead.

"Wait! I'll come with you." Sans told me as he followed me out the door. I smiled as we held hands on the way to Alphys lab.

When we made it there I knocked on the door and waited.

"Oh uh c-come in." I heard Alphys say. Sans and I both walked into her place as we saw her frantically running around with a bunch of blueprints in her hands.

"I'm s-so glad that your h-here! I have so m-much work that I n-need to get done." She told me as she handed me some stuff.

I looked at what she handed me as I walked into another room to work on it. As I walked into the room I noticed Mettaton sitting in the room.

"Oh why hello there beautiful! What brings you here?" He purred as he put his arm around me.

"Hey, get your nasty robot hands off of my girlfriend!" I heard Sans growl behind me.

"Oh she's your girlfriend. My mistake darling I didn't know." He said as he took his hands off of me.

"Yeah well now you know." Sans said still sounding mad.

"Sans are you jealous?" I asked him with a smile because that means that he cares a lot about me. He didn't reply and just looked at the ground. "Don't worry, your the only person that I love!" I told him as I hugged him.

His smile grew as he hugged me back.
Hello lovelies! OMG SANS AND Y/N are finally dating!!!!! :) and Sans is so cute how jealous he gets when other people flirt with Y/N. Yeah he's the jealous type when it comes to that (ʃƪ˘³˘) And thank you all sooooo much for over 30k reads and over 1k votes!!! I can't thank you guys enough for how thankful I am that you guys like this story!! :)
I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Please feel free to leave and comment and vote for this chapter!

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