Chapter 18

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After awhile of thinking on what I should do, I finally made up my mind. I'm going to find Asgore. I'm probably making a bad choice, but I don't care anymore. I feel so guilty knowing that I'm the reason why everyone is stuck down here. I sighed to myself as I got off of my bed and made my way over to grab a piece of paper.

I opened the cabinet and got a pen and began to write. I wrote that I would be at Asgore's and how I felt about this whole situation. I also wrote how much I care for everyone but I can't let everyone stay down here forever. 

A tear fell from my eyes as I placed the note on the table. I opened the window in my room and jumped outside. Making sure to be as quiet as possible, I began to make my journey. I shivered at the cold weather that I was caught in. 

I began to take in all of my surroundings, knowing that this may be my last time ever being here. I sniffled and tried my hardest not to let anymore tears drop. I know what I was doing was for the best and that I should be happy and not sad. 

It didn't take long before I was out of Snowdin and was in Waterfall. Being that it was pretty hot there, I took off my sweatshirt and tied it around my waist. Realizing that San's had a job here in Waterfall, I began to panic. I walked by the area where he worked and to my luck, he wasn't there. 

Letting out a sigh of relief, I continued to walk through Waterfall. Looking at the beautiful surroundings, I hummed to myself. I walk over to a blue flower and heard it saying past conversations back to me. I couldn't help but listen when I heard my name being mentioned. 

"We need to find Y/N!" I hear a voice that I recognized to be Chara's. 

"What's the point? She's being protected by someone. We can't do anything to her as long as that monster is protecting her." Flowey stated. 

"I don't care about that stupid monster who is protecting that pathetic human! I want her soul and I want it now!" Chara began to whine. 

"Quit your whining, you're driving me crazy." Flowey said in an annoying tone. 

"Do I have to remind you of what happened last time you talked back to me?" Chara growled at Flowey. 

"N-No!" Flowey said in fear. 

"Good! Now help me find the girl and if that monster still wants to protect her then we'll just have to kill him." Chara said in an evil voice as she let out a cackle.  

I walked away from the flower in shock.  Getting paranoid at the situation, I began to walk quickly through Waterfall. In no time at all, I was already in Hotland. In order to make it to my destination, I would either have to go through Alphys lab or go down another path that I've never been to before. 

If i went that way I could get lost but I can't let Alphys see me trying to leave because then she will tell Sans where I am and I can't bare to see him upset. Walking towards the other path, I noticed two guards blocking the path. 

"Um can you please move so I can go by?" I asked the two guards nicely. 

"Oh my, it's the human that Asgore's been talking about!" One of the guards said.

"Yes, you can go through." The other guard informed me. 

"Thank you!" I told them nicely. 

"Good luck human!" The guard told me as I walked down the path. As I walked farther, I began to get extremely hot. 

"God damn it, I shouldn't have worn these jeans! it's way too hot for these!" I cursed at myself for wearing them in the first place, knowing that I would have to go through Hotland to get to Asgore. As I walked through Hotland, I looked at the monsters that I pass by.

I've never been to Hotland before, other than to go to Alphys lab and Mettatons show, so I wasn't too familiar with the place and the monsters that inhabited it. I made sure to stay on the path in front of me at all times because I noticed that a little bit away from the path there was a gigantic pool of lava. 

A few monsters were swimming in it as if it were an ocean. Obviously being a human I can't go and join them in the lava, even though I wanted to meet these monsters. They all seemed nice and they looked to be having a lot of fun here. 

I smiled to myself when I saw monsters and their families having fun together. Continuing to walk, I made it to a huge building. There was a lit up sign that read "MTT", that also had a little Mettaton lit up next to it. Next to the building were two alleyways and I noticed a little shop set up in front of one of them. Looking at it, I recognized Bratty and Catty sitting there. 

"OMG Bratty, It's Y/N!" Catty squealed to Bratty.

"Oh my god, it is! Hey Y/N, come over here." Bratty yelled to me. I walked over to Bratty and Catty and looked at what they were selling. 

"So, what are you doing here?" Catty asked me. 

"Oh.. I just wanted to check the place out." I tried to convince them. 

"No way! Well you came to the right place. We are selling items that I'm sure you would love." Bratty told me excitedly. 

"Oh, I'm sorry but I don't have any money on me right now. Um, do you happen to know the way to Asgore's castle?" I asked them both. 

"Why would you want to know that?" Catty asked me suspiciously.

"Like I said, I just want to check this place out." I lied to them. 

"OHH OMG Catty you can be so dumb sometimes!" Bratty said as she playfully hit Catty.

"I know Bratty! You just go through this hotel and there should be a sign that says "Core" and his castle is at the end of the Core." Catty explained to me.

"Thank you! I'll be on my way now, bye!" I waved goodbye to them. I looked up at the building standing in front of me and started to make my way into it, continuing my journey. 



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