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Hello lovelies! So this weekend I went to Magfest and boy did a lot happen there. I had the best time of my life in certain points and I cried my eyes out a certain points. I am not bragging about my time in any way! I just don't have any friends that are big fans of the people that I met (other than my sister who was there with me) and I just really wanted to talk to someone about it.

My sister, my mom, my dad, and I all went to Magfest on Friday morning. My sister and I skipped school to be able to go to Magfest at a decent time during the day. Magfest is in Maryland and we live in New Hampshire so it wasn't long as a flight at all, so it was nice. I looked on my Twitter and I found out that Barry from GameGrumps would be doing a meet up at seven on Friday.

He tweeted the area that the meet up will be at and my sister and I decided that we will show up to that area a half hour early because we didn't know how many people would show up. Though out the day my sister and I played video games and looked around the place that they were selling items. While we were walking I noticed Barry walking around and my sister didn't want to say anything because she was nervous.

I was like screw that, this may be the only chance we will be able to talk to him XD but I didn't know what exactly to say to him so I just said "hi Barry!" And I waved at him happily. And he said "hey." With his normal awkward barryness 😂 I think he also did they because he expected me to say something else so him but all I wanted was to say hi.

After awhile it was finally six thirty and we made it to his meet up. There weren't many people there it seemed but I was wondering if we would be able to spot him when he came. When it was six fifty I noticed Barry walking with a person in front of him. My sister and I slowly followed him and made sure to leave a lot of space because we knew that he wouldn't want to be packed with people because even though he's kind of famous, he's still a person.

He finally stopped and there was a huge circle around him and we were all squished in between people. I was so squished that I had a boob on my back and a butt like on my stomach 😂 people were really nice though. Everyone was making sure to give him enough space and no one was screaming and freaking out and lastly no one was pushing to get to him.

He was so sweet! He made sure to talk to each person individually that was there. I was trying to go over in my head what I was going to say to him and when he finally got to me a said something completely different. I said to him "I love you, sorry I'm so nervous right now" and then he gave me a hug. A nice person was handing out these posters before that and I got one and I asked Barry to sign it and then I got a picture with him.

The next day my sister and I knew that NSP would be doing a signing at three and we heard that people would be going early to it and we really wanted to be able to meet them because we also went to Magfest the year before and the line was full and the staff wouldn't let us in the line. We decided that we will show up at eight in the morning and wait seven hours for it, so there is a 100 percent chance that we will get into the signings.

When we got there there was like one person sitting down waiting outside of the huge room that the signings would be. There was a room where you can go and get your laniards to show that you paid for Magfest and the autographs would be way in the back of the room and that room was HUGE. We asked the girl that was sitting there about the line and she said that we had to sit outside of that room because they won't let us wait in there and they will let everyone in thirty minutes before the signing.

Also that outside of the place there will be no line. So we sat down outside of the place against the wall with the girl and it was about twelve so we waited four hours at this point and there was like no one sitting outside of the place with us so I got nervous that we were actually supposed to be in the autograph room.

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