Chapter 7

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I didn’t panic, well after I got it out of my system. My mind raced as I thought about being locked out and then cursed myself for being so stupid but after all that I didn’t panic. I ended up going to Grace’s room where I played with Scarlet, who was much better than the other day, and hung out with her and Adam.

Grace was happier now that she knew she wasn’t pregnant and when she was alone she shared with me the great news, she started this morning.

“Ew.” I covered my ears.

She stuck out her tongue and playfully shoved me. “I don’t care, I’m just happy, you know.”  I nodded while I fixed my hair in the mirror. “Ready?”

“Yup.” I smiled and made my way out into the main room which is where Adam sat watching TV and Scarlet was playing.

“You guys ready?” Grace asked grabbing her bag. Adam sighed shutting off the Tv but smiled as he picked up Scar. He placed a kiss on Grace’s cheek and my heart clenched in my chest. Not because I wasn’t happy for Grace, cause I was, it just reminded me of Asher and that reminded me that he forgot about me.

“Nora? You coming?” Grace asked knocking me out of my thoughts.

I faked a smile and nodded my head as I followed them out.

After an hour of walking around Scarlet wasn’t feeling well so Adam and Grace took her back. I decided not to go with them and just do something by myself.

I stopped at a cute little restaurant and had a nice meal after I found myself wandering the streets. By the time I was tired of walking around I was lost.

Feeling my pockets a sense of dread filled me to the core. My pockets were empty. Well shit, this isn’t good. The sun was already down and barely anyone on the sidewalk. Great.

I looked around for anything familiar but I was even more confused. If I learned anything from being lost before it’s just stay where you were but I had a feeling that I shouldn’t because I was currently in a dark park.

Maybe if I retraced my steps I’d find my way back. So I did but in the end I was even more confused than before and utterly and completely lost. I began to sweat, even though there was a cool breeze, as I carefully made my way to a bench. I didn’t know what to do so I just sat there. It had to be at least midnight by now, was Asher looking for me or was he still out with the boys? Did he even notice?

My cheeks felt wet and I wiped them away quickly. I can’t cry, not at a time like this. Shaking my head I racked my brain for something to get me out of this. Think Nora, think.

I looked up at the sound of footsteps and readied myself to scream but stopped as I froze in freight. The guy looked, from what I could see in the dark, rugged. He was wearing an oversized jacket and loose fitting pants, I noticed that he had a beard and wild hair but the thing that I saw clearly was that he had red eyes. Not being able to do anything I let him come closer.

“Hey, pretty lady.” he slurred carefully falling onto the bench next to me.

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