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I remember when you first came to the Survey Corps.

Sad times, really. You looked so shitty. Hair disheveled, clothes wrinkly, you were quite a sight. I wouldn't blame you, though. You were suffering depression. It's not like you were the only one, of course.

Yeah, yeah. You've heard this many times, but I'm going to hammer it into your head yet again.

I brought you to HQ only a week after the "Astia Incident" went down. Every single person in the Survey Corps was suffering depression. Can't blame them, of course. The Squad Leader that had been here for years, the Squad Leader that had gained everyone's trust, had sided with the enemy. And I.... well.... let's not talk about me right now.

Point is, when you came and showed your strength, we were all very reluctant to trust you. And judging by what had happened to Miss Zephyrine over there, it wasn't wrong of them to do so. But you gave us hope. Hope that we could trust another person. And I don't think that we can ever repay you for that.

You really are the mother out of all of us. You make Hanji shut the fuck up. You somewhat stop Metza and Jon from being dicks (which says a lot, as they will never stop being dicks). And you stopped me from drowning myself in alcohol and instead introduced me to tea.

I would talk more about my feelings so you wouldn't get left in the dust (because my brain really is just a spider web of emotions. Mostly hate, though), but Erwin gave me a shit load of paperwork to do. I swear to god, you'd think he does nothing but comb his eyebrows all day.

I'll see you when we meet up for lunch, I'll probably sleep through breakfast. And don't forget what I said about that Jaeger kid! If he tries to pull anything again, I'll give him hell!


That was the note that Eren found taped to your forehead in the morning.

He had woken up at 6:30. Earlier than her designated alarm, later than he would've woken up on a typical school day. Unforchantly, he hadn't learned his lesson about snooping.

Folding the crinkled paper up, he placed it back on your forehead.


"I can't believe you forgot what today is, Eren." You shook your head in disappointment as you walked alongside the brunette in the hall.

"Um, it's hump-day?" Eren guessed. You let out a heavy sigh.

"It's the day when your friends will be put into squads, Eren." You explained. "You don't have to worry about it too much, because it's already been decided that you're in my Squad, but still."

"Oh!" Eren's eyes brightened up. "That means we'll be able to go on missions soon, right?!"

"Correct." You grinned. "Starting in a couple days, you'll be joining us on our missions."

"What are we going to be doing in the days until then?"

"Training. We should know our strengths and weaknesses."

"What if we have to do a mission during one of those couple days?"

"Squad Levi will take care of it. His squad is hand-picked."

You could see the disappointment is Eren's face.

"There is a slight chance that we'll be able to go on a mission sooner than expected." You reassured him. "If Squad Levi is out and there is another mission to be fulfilled, my squad is on deck. However, that is quite unlikely. We'll be lucky if we'll get two missions in a day."

Despite the chances, Eren gleamed in hopefulness once again.

"When will the squads be announced?" he asked.

"At lunch."

"What do we do after lunch?"

"It's tradition to do this bonding shit."

Eren seemed surprised at your words.

"You don't like it?" he asked. You just shrugged in reply. The two of you walked in silence the rest of the way to the dining hall.

"Hey, Eren." Armin yawned as Eren took a seat beside him. Mikasa placed a plate of food in front of the brunette. Eren blinked in surprise, but didn't complain.

"Sup, (Y/N)?" Jon mumbled, still half asleep.

"I'm hungry." You mumbled, snatching an apple from Robin's tray. She didn't seem to care, but instead looked up at you from where she lay on the table.

"Hi hungry." she mumbled, heart not fully into it. Of course, that didn't stop both you and Jon from facepalming.

"Really, Metza?" you muttered.

"I had to." she proclaimed.

"That was so lame, though." Jon snorted.

"I'm always lame, though."


Silence overcame the six of you as you shovel food into your mouth.

"Hey, (Y/N)?" Eren's eyes met yours.


"What's the schedule for the morning?"

You tapped your chin.

"Well, today Erwin is supervising training to triple check that we have all the cadets in the Squads we would prefer for them to be in. But since you guys are already in your designated Squad with us, we have free time."

The trio's face lit up.

"Awesome!" Armin grinned.

"But we still have to stick with you guys, right?" Mikasa spoke up. You nodded.

"Yeah. But the thing is, I'm not going to be here for lunch and the majority of the afternoon...." You scrunched your nose up.

"That's alright, (Y/N)." Jon spoke up. "Metza and I will watch over him."

"Do I have any say in this?" Robin grumbled.


"Where are you going this afternoon, (Y/N)?" Eren asked. You rubbed the back of your neck, eyes averting to the floor.

"Levi and I are going out for lunch and a movie." a small amount of pink dusted your cheeks as you spoke, but you shook it away quickly.

Eren couldn't help but feel a twinge of envy at your words. His stomach twisted into a knot, into another knot, and even another knot on top of that one. His head seemed to feel fuzzy for some reason, something he had never experienced before.

"Something wrong, Eren?" Your voice rung in Eren's ear.

"Nope, everything's fine." he replied in his best lying voice.

"Oh, okay. Good." You smiled. "Enjoy your free day while it lasts. Things are about to get real."


You know those fanfictions that are so good you literally cry?

Yeah well I just found one of them



Ok yeah sorry I just don't really have much else to say in this author's note so have some advertisement yay

I dunno guys, I've lost a bit of inspiration for writing. It's been hard for me to get myself to write, these days.

Yeah, that's all.

Sorry for any grammar and/or spelling mistakes.

And as always,

Stay Fabulous~

Unity~ Eren x Reader x Levi (Modern AU)Where stories live. Discover now