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Robin gracefully leaped across the rooftops, landing perfectly on her feet each time.


(Y/N) glided from building to building like a ninja, never falling.


Jon almost landed on his face five times. When he actually managed to faceplant, the trio decided to take a break on top of a decently wide building.


“You freaking suck at parkour, Jon.” Robin spat, lips curved up in a satisfied smile. “You’re already injured and we haven’t even started the missions yet.” The blonde rubbed his head, eyes shooting daggers at his sister.


“Like you’re one to talk. You’re probably the worst with a gun out of the whole world!” Robin narrowed her eyes, aiming a kick at her brother.


“Guys.” (Y/N) mumbled, pointing. “If you haven’t noticed, we’re here.” Robin looked in the direction of her friend’s finger to see a small-ist apartment building. It was made of bricks, definitely a fairly old place. With an exception of the lobby, all the lights in the building were off, making an eerie aura radiate from it. (Y/N) looked down at her watch.




“Yep. That has to be it. Why else would all the lights be off so early?” She said, tucking a lock of her (Y/N) hair behind her ear. Jon snorted.


“You’d think they’d call the police by now.”




“Annnnnd there it is.” Robin mumbled, eyes averting to the narrow roads where about 3 police cars drove. The cars drove a bit more before stopping at a building, which was coincidentally (haha not really) the building the Titans were now in.


“Let’s roll!” (Y/N) shouted. And with that, they seldom remained on the building.




“You really had to run 100 laps AGAIN, Eren?” A certain blonde said, eyes wide.


“Yeah.” Eren replied, a bead of sweat running down his red face. It was silent for a moment.


“You shouldn’t eavesdrop on people. Especially those who you like.” Mikasa deadpanned, eyes on the table in which she was seated at.


“W-What?!” Eren’s chair fell backwards, landing on the floor with a crash. “I-I don’t LIKE her!” Armin let out a small giggle.


“Your reaction makes it obvious.” Armin commented, perceptive eyes scanning Eren’s body language. Eren opened his mouth to protest. “And don’t try to argue! If anything, you should say sorry to her.” The green-eyed brunette hung his head.


“Your right. I’ll go apologize.”




“Hey, Squad Leader Hanji!” Eren yelled, jogging across the entrance hall. Said person looked up from her book, a smile sprouting on her face.


“Drop the formalities, just call me Hanji! What can I do for you?” Eren rubbed the back of his neck.


“Uh… Do you know where Squad Leader (Y/N) is at the moment?” Hanji smiled.


“Oh, she’s not here at the moment.”


“Not here? Where is she?”


“On a mission.” Hanji replied as if the answer was obvious.


“B-But I saw her squad in the dining hall!” Eren stuttered. Hanji just snorted.


“She went with Metza and Jon. They’re pretty powerful as a trio, so they don’t always need their squads with them.” Eren nodded at Hanji’s words, eyes averting to the floor.


“I see.” Hanji paused for a moment, processing all of Eren’s past words.


“Why are you asking, anyway? Need me to deliver a message?”


“N-No, I’m fine!” Eren stuttered, a small blush dusting his cheeks. Hanji gasped obnoxiously.


“Oh. Mah. Gawd. You LIKE her, don’t you!”


“What?” Eren managed to say clearly, eyes as wide as saucepans. “I don’t-”


“You doooooooooo~!”


“No, I-”


“Aw, I can totally see it working out!”


“It’s not that, but-”


“You guys would be a cute couple!”


“Please just-”


“Levi wouldn’t be very happy though.” Hanji’s last comment made Eren pause.










“N-Nevermind!” Eren shook his head, desperate to change the subject. “So, what’s their mission?”


“There’s a shooting in an apartment building somewhere on Vixen Avenue.” Hanji replied cooly. “Wait, why do you wanna know?” Eren just shrugged.


“No reason.”


But alas, there WAS a reason.

That night was the night Eren would become a strong soldier in (Y/N)’s eyes, or at least that’s how it was put in Eren’s mind.

Unity~ Eren x Reader x Levi (Modern AU)Where stories live. Discover now