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Ok yes. I’m back. Hello.


Here’s chapter 7~



~Astia’s POV~


There was a fountain in the middle of the mall. It’s been there as long as I can remember, when I came to this place regularly. And of course, like every other fountain standing, people throw their coins into it. Rusted pennies sparke underneath the water, encrusted with people’s dreams, hopes, and wishes. Too bad they’ll never come true. Reaching into the basin, I pulled out a shiny copper coin. I rubbed it in between my fingers, staring at it intensely.


I was never my choice to lead this group of idiots. Think of it as being… Born into the family business unknowingly. Those dumb Survey Corps soldiers made me this way. And it was because of them I have to be in this stupid mall in the first place!


I held out my hand infront of me, palm up, and examined my blade. It had a good run, really. It still connected to my wrist alright. None of the silver paint had rubbed off, and it looked as good as new!


Except it wasn’t. I’ve had this thing for so many years to the point where I stopped counting. The blade no longer functioned properly, and even if it did, it was horribly blunt from all the usage. I’m not fond of abandoning farewell presents, but at this point of time, it’s mandatory if I expect to survive in this world and avenge Mum and Dad.


“Your parents are dead.” The lady at the orphanage said that one day. “But it’s alright, we’ll take care of you here.” Oh how I remember the hot tears that rolled down my cheeks and stung my eyes, my vision blurring. But then I ran away, and joined what I believed to be my last hope for excitement and happiness. I wasn’t the typical Survey Corps soldier those days. Back then, my view on the world was much different.....


Never mind. Point is, my special prized possession is no longer intact, and if I’m going to replace it, the replacement has to be top notch. Nothing could possibly replace the last present I received from my parents, my hidden blade. Thing is, the Titans were never a really wealthy organization like the Survey Corps. Hah, we were never really an organization to begin with. It’s funny how I grew to become the leader of a group with no ranks.


Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted movement. She was barely noticeable, but I could just make out a girl peeking out from Barnes and Noble. Swerving around to face the bookstore, I squinted for a closer look. Sure enough, when I turned in that direction, the girl darted away. Surely if she was a normal citizen, she would’ve left the mall by now…..


“Kaul, Fitzgerald, Smith, Russ, Trek! Barnes and Noble, search the whole store. Look for Survey Corps.” I snarled, turning to the small group of allies I addressed. Nodding, they ran into the book store.


If they’re one Scout here, there may be more…..


~Robin’s POV~


I peeped around the corner of the bookstore to make sure my eyes weren't deceiving me.


There was really no mistaking it, that crimson hair didn’t belong to anyone else. Well, at least it didn’t look half as mangled as I’ve seen on other individuals. I continued to eye her carefully.


Suddenly, all motion seemed to cease in her body. She turned around, stormy eyes meeting mine. Breath hitching and heart pounding, I abandoned my lookout spot for the interior of the bookstore.


“Kaul, Fitzgerald, Smith, Russ, Trek! Barnes and Noble, search the whole store. Look for Survey Corps.” I heard Astia shout from the center of the mall. My heart practically stopped.


Astia is a sore subject in the Survey Corps. She was one of the best, if not THE best, soldier we ever had. But that one mission that turned into a failure….. The whole squad was wiped out. We even believe Astia was dead too, not that such a massacre was even possible.


Wait! Gotta focus. Life and death situation here.


There’s two floors to this Barnes and Noble, the Titans are on the first floor. The five that Astia sent are going to enter in the first floor, search it, and make their way up here. The first floor is no longer an option unless I jump down when they come up, but that would be no good. If take the exit into the mall on either of the floors, I’ll get gunned. I also can’t exit into the parking lot and abandon my friends. The only logical option would be to fight them myselves.

Reaching into my pocket, I pulled out a small pistol. Staring down at it, I realized something. If I don’t improve my aim, I’m as good as dead.

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