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(Y/N) took but just a mere step out of the hallway when she was interrupted by vibrations in her pocket and an annoying sound.





Grabbing her (type of phone), she glanced at the caller ID and pressed the answer button. Bringing the phone up to her lips, she spoke in a harsh whisper.


"Metza, ready?"


"Ready as ever!" Replied a devious voice from the end of the line, equally as quiet. "Tell them today?" You nodded, but remembered that the action wasn't audible.


"Yeah, guess so. We need to call in Squad Levi?" Robin fell silent for a moment, as if in thought.


"No, I think we can handle it. I'm closing in on front entranceway, talk to you later!" There was a click, signifying that she had hung up. Taking in a deep breath, you ran down the halls.




"Ugh!" Robin groaned as she slid across the floor on her knees, scraping  her legs. The man held up his gun and aimed it at her, but she was up and running by the time his finger landed on the trigger. Many gasps echoed across the room as the man instead turned to you to shoot instead.






You dodged all of the bullets with ease, and Robin took a swing at the back of his neck. He ducked and her hand instead flew over his head.


You and Robin had tracked the man down to a classroom where he had already shot one student in the leg. Everyone in the classroom was now hiding underneath the desks, quaking in uttermost fear.


You threw a punch at his back and Robin did the same to his front, but he was able to jump out of the way. Your (e/c) orbs met Robin's brown ones and you gave a small nod.


"Hey, mister gunman!" Robin panted out. "You're preeetty good, if I do say so myself. And as they say, the good guys call for the big guns."


She reached into her pocket and a small pistol emerged intertwined with her fingers. You did the same. The man's eyes widened.




This time it was your own guns that were shooting. You were trying to avoid using them in a classroom setting unless it was deemed necessary, as you might miss and hit a student. That was mostly meant for Robin, as her aim was especially terrible.


As expected, all of her bullets missed and instead went into the filing cabinets and through the window with a smash. On the contrary, one of your bullets found it's way into the man's leg as he ran. He now lay on the floor grasping his leg. Robin walked up to him and reloaded her gun with a click.

Unity~ Eren x Reader x Levi (Modern AU)Where stories live. Discover now