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“So, we doing the same thing we did last time?” (Y/N) asked as the smoke slowly drifted into the room. Jon nodded.

“Yep.” He turned to the trio of Cadets. “Metza guards the door, (Y/N) and I go and check the rooms. Arlert will stay with Metza, Jaeger with (Y/N), and Ackerman with me.” Mikasa nodded, sending a weary glance to Eren before disappearing into the smoke with the blonde Squad Leader.

“Call me if anything goes wrong, Metza.” (Y/N) mumbled, slightly nudging her friend. “We’ll try to hunt for reasoning. C’mon, Eren.” The emerald-eyed brunette followed her.

“It’s just me and you, Arlert.” Robin turned to the blonde beside her. “Keep your gun at the ready. Kill anyone who approaches and attacks you.”



The door burst open with a bang, revealing a small child with a single drip of blood running down her cheek. (Y/N)’s eyes furrowed in worriment, bending down and placing a bandage on the child’s face.

“Did your parents abandon you?” (Y/N) stroked the girl’s hair soothingly. The small girl nodded, a tear now joining the blood streaked on her face. She was pulled into a hug, her face buried into (Y/N)’s silky (h/c) hair. More tears streaked the small child’s cheeks, her eyes growing red and puffy. After a couple minutes of sitting in that position, (Y/N) stood up. “Find anything, Eren?” The brunette shook his head, as he was too busy watching (Y/N)’s actions to notice.

“Hey… (Y/N)?” He asked as the abandoned the room in favor of the smoke filled hallway.

“Hm?” She answered, attempting to kick down a locked door.

“What did you mean by ‘hunt for reasoning?’”

“Well, the Titans don’t attack for no reason, right?” She muttered, aiming another kick at the door. “There’s got to be a motive, and we look for said motive at each mission.”

“What was their motive when we were at school?”

“They wanted Metza and I. There was leaked information.”

“Who leaked the information?” (Y/N) turned away from the door and looked Eren straight in the eye.

“We don’t know.” She turned back forward, kicking the door yet again. “So there could potentially be a traitor in the Scouts.” Eren paused, emerald eyes scanning the girl in front of him.

“Uh.. (Y/N)?” He started.


“Who is Astia?” (Y/N) continued to kick the door, although her eyebrows were narrowed. With another swing of her foot, the door flew open with a bang.

“Why do you want to know?”

“I heard Hanji talking about her.” (Y/N) grabbed Eren’s hand and stepped into the room. It was empty, the most defined feature being a bright red stain on the carpet.

Unity~ Eren x Reader x Levi (Modern AU)Where stories live. Discover now