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Overall, you were quite happy with your squad.

Although Reiner was a perv, Krista was as delicate as a flower, and Ymir was sarcastic and overprotective, it all worked out well.

It was obvious from the moment you saw them that Krista and Ymir had a very close relationship, which could be both an advantage and a disadvantage. If one of them were to be lost on the battlefield, you weren't completely sure how the other one would hold up.

It was also clear that Reiner and Eren had lots of trust in each other. They were even close friends, in a way, which kind of surprised you. Though it would be terrible for you to admit it, you didn't know Eren had any friends other than Armin and Mikasa.

Therefore, your squad was split into two groups. And as sexist and as stereotypical as it is, they were split by gender.

After careful evaluation in your mind, you realized that although they had been classmates for quite some time before joining the Scouts, the two groups didn't have the closest connection to each other. Reiner wasn't usually afraid to talk to Krista, but that was when Ymir wasn't around, which was hardly ever. Eren and Ymir seemed to fear Ymir, even though they knew she had no incredibly harmful intentions.

By judging their personalities, you knew that Erwin's shitty training exercises wasn't going to cut it.

Instead, you watched Japanese game shows for a couple hours.

Despite the ridiculousness intended in your decision, you knew it was the right one. Your squad bonded more than they could've in a day by a couple hours of foreign TV, and you were proud of it.

You actually felt quite confident with your Squad's future as you walked down the halls with Eren.

"By the way, (Y/N)..." Eren trailed off as he walked along side you, eyes averting to the floor.

"Hm?" you hummed

"I meant to ask you this a while ago, but it slipped my mind because of graduation and stuff." Eren rubbed the back of his neck in some sort of embarrassment. How was your date with Levi?"

"Date?" a blush spread across your cheeks at that word, your head turning to meet Eren's emerald orbs. You chuckled slightly to keep the mood light. "W-Well I'm not sure if it was a date. Neverless, it was wonderful!"

You made a mental note to ask Levi about it, although you weren't quite sure how he'd react. Would he laugh at you for even considering that it was a date? What if it was a date?"

You were oblivious to Levi's feelings, but Eren wasn't. And he knew that somewhere deep inside of you, you wouldn't mind if it was a date.

"What did you guys do?" Eren asked.

"Well, we ate at that nice local coffee shop, and then we saw a movie." You smiled at the thought.

"What movie?" Eren asked.

"50 Shades of Grey." You spoke, unphased by what you had just told the innocent boy. Eren's eyes bulged.

"WHAT????!" his stared at you, mouth open in an 'o' shape. You turned to look at him once again, a smirk on your face.

"Just kidding." you stuck your tongue our teasingly before turning back forward. Eren placed his hand onto his chest, exaggerating his breathing.

"Oh thank god." he breathed. "I was afraid that your soul had been corrupted."

Your eyes averted to the floor.

"My soul has already been corrupted by the things I've done." You mumbled.

"You mean killing the Titans?" Eren asked after a moment of thought. "But it's ok, they're evil, right?!"

"That doesn't make them different from any other human being." You mumbled. "This doesn't only apply to just our situation here in Chicago. It's happened numerous times in history, too. Think about the Confederate Soldiers during the Civil War. Many may perceive them as evil, but that's not it. They had families too, children, parents, people who cared about them. They were simply fighting for what they believed in. And in many ways, we're doing the same."

"I see what you mean." Eren tapped his chin. "It's like how the police hates us for killing the Titans."

"Exactly." You nodded. "The police believes that what we're doing is wrong and that every life should be valued. They believe that the Titans should be locked up. They don't know the Titans like we do. Locking them up won't stop them. But hey, that's just my opinion. I'm heavily biased." You shrugged, head turning to make eye contact with Eren. "Sorry for turning this into a whole speech. I tend to do this quite a lot, actually."

"It's fine, I don't mind!" Eren added quickly. "That's one of the reasons I like you. You speak your mind in a logical sense to get the point across. It makes you interesting."

"Thank you, that means a lot to me." Your smile caused his heart to beat faster.

"Hey, (Y/N)." Eren started. "Maybe, would you like to go out with me sometime? I-I can pay!" he added.

The Survey Corps had always gotten it's expenses paid off by tapping into the taxes, which had proved it was worth the trouble. But with that, they were given a lot more money than they needed, so they decided to start paying its soldiers.

Eren hadn't gotten paid as a cadet, of course. But now that he'd graduated, he was given a small amount of $40 and was promised $10 more for every mission he completed successfully.

"I'd love to!" Your smile was ear to ear. "You don't have to pay, though. I can cover it." Eren opened his mouth to argue. "And don't you dare offer to pay again! I got it covered, and if you say you'll pay anyway, I'll throw you against the wall!"

"O-Okay." Eren blinked in surprise. You smiled.

"Just kidding. I'd never do that to you."


Levi stopped and listed at the corner of the corridor, facial expression blank. Although he would never admit it on the outside, he was depressed.

Depressed because Eren had stolen all of your attention.

Depressed because Eren was on your squad.

Depressed because Eren had to share a room with you.

And now, there was one more thing to add onto the list.

He had been walking through the halls when he'd heard your voice, just when he was going to turn the corner to face your direction. But it was Eren's words that stopped him.

"Maybe, would you like to go out with me sometime?"

Levi turned around, walking away in the opposite direction.

Unity~ Eren x Reader x Levi (Modern AU)Where stories live. Discover now