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~Robin POV~

Dashing through the bookshelves once again proved to be a risky move. If I happened to run into one of the 5 that was sent, I would be as good as dead. There was no way this pistol would defend me for very long, heck, I’d be surprised if I survived 10 minutes!


However, coming to the conclusion that they were all still on the first level, I hid behind a bookshelf, one of which concealed me most viewpoints. My hand with the gun was shaking violently, finger ready on the trigger.


It’s moments like these that make me wonder if my life is really worth living, if I should’ve gone to an orphanage like Father said. But back then, I really had no other choice but to join the Scouts. Father resented Jon and I. That in itself had always been a fleeting thought in my head. It was the sound of faded footsteps that made me aware that the Titans were now on the second floor.


Pressing my back further yet against the bookshelf, I attempted to quiet my breathing. The footsteps grew louder, and I constantly had to do reality checks.


Gun in hand? Check.

Finger on trigger? Check.

Breathing properly? Still need to work on that one.







And there he was. I knew for sure that the Titan didn’t spot me, as he just continued walking. I rose my armed hand up and took careful aim.




And he was on the floor, carpet beneath him now stained with a sickening red.


“What was that?” I heard a voice echo across the second floor. It fell silent, as if they were processing what just happened.


“Scout. Follow me.” More footsteps. My heart seemed to stop as I froze, but snapped out of it quickly and abandoned my hiding place. Must run away! It wasn’t quickly enough.


Just as I stepped out, I found myself face to face with a girl. She looked about twenty-five and had silvery-blonde hair, a gun intertwined with her perfectly manicured nails.


I backed up and swerved around just to find myself looking at another gang member, male this time. He also held a gun.


Turning around once again, I noticed that another Titan had joined the blonde girl. The bonde held her gun up. Yet another Titan joined the male on my right. I was cornered.




Her finger pulled back on the trigger, and I just nearly jumped out of the way. Landing with my back on the ground, I aimed a couple a shots right back.





Both of them missed, and it gave a chance for the Titans on my other side to shoot me.




This, however, was expected, and I dodged with ease by sharply jumping up. I held up my gun to face the two who just shot at me. Three loud bangs erupted, all bullets missing. Finger landing on the trigger, I pulled it back once again. I had the perfect aim. However, this time, no loud sound was made.


I was out of bullets.


How could I ever be so careless?


~Astia POV~

Something was not right.


I could feel it in the air, there was a tense and eerie about this place. Of course, it wasn’t the mall in itself. The place was alive with bright colors that adorned the displays in many shops.


Whatever it is, it doesn’t feel good. I could feel someone’s eyes baring into my head like bullets. Or, rather, like the bullet that almost hit me.




The noise startled me, of course. It startled everyone. I looked up to see two scouts jumping down from the second floor, and time seemed to slow down.


One of them was female, (H/C) hair and (E/C) eyes. The other was a dangerous looking male, onyx hair and steel blue eyes that screamed fury and vengeance. Silver guns were intertwined with both of their hands.


But then time was sped up again, and they both landed.


The female started to take out the Titans surrounding me, bang after bang. My allies seemed to freeze, as if accepting that this was their end.


“What are you waiting for? Move, move!” My words seemed to snap them out of their daze, but by then, it was too late. They had already failed to protect me from the stronger of the duo, Levi. He shot a hole in my human wall, creating a clear path to the center where I stood.


Said dark haired man abandoned his gun in his pocket, as he had no remaining bullets. He came a step closer each second, until he was just a couple feet away from me.


Leaping forward, I attempted to land a punch on his face. He dodged it with ease, and instead managed to fist my side as I glided past. It knocked me to the floor, but I rolled and was back on my feet a few seconds later.


“Astia.” He deadpanned.


“Levi.” I snarled back. “Fancy seeing you again.” There was a flash, and I was on the ground, Levi looking down at me with cold eyes.


“Same goes to you, former scout.” He put special emphasis and venom on the last two words. Another flash, and the positions changes.


“So, what’s going on at HQ, ‘humanity’s strongest?’” The same emphasis was applied.


“Don’t glorify yourself, Titan.” He rolled out from under me, and we were again at the same stance, circling each other slowly.

The last time I checked, I was a better fighter than Levi. But now, I can’t be sure. We may just be at the same level, or he may be stronger.

Unity~ Eren x Reader x Levi (Modern AU)Where stories live. Discover now