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Such a harsh word. Not by the way it sounds, but by the tone it's spoken in.

When other people say it it's like a whip, striking you with ferocity. It gets stuck in your throat when you try to repeat it.


Sometimes it can be hard to take in, and for a good reason.

Death is hard to accept.


"Where the hell is she?"

Ymir tapped her foot against the group repeatedly, her arms crossed and her lips curved downward.

An awkward silence fell amust the group as they sat in the lobby. There was obvious tension that nobody seemed to know how to cure.

"It's been nearly half an hour since the time that damn Robin girl set for meeting in the lobby." Ymir continued on, plopping down on one of the couches in the lobby with a sigh. " Upon that, she's not even answering her phone! You think she'd be more aware of time."

"She usually is." Reiner shrugged.

"Maybe she ran into titans?" Eren suggested.

"Doubt it." Ymir rolled her eyes.

"Should we call HQ?" Krista chimed in.

There was a pause.

"Not it." Ymir declared.

"Not-" Eren began.

"Not it!" Krista and Reiner yelled in unison, cutting the brunette off.

"You have to call them, Eren!" Reiner smirked.

"Dammit." Eren heaved with a sigh, reaching to pull his phone out of his pocket.

"It's alright!" Krista tried to be optimistic. "I always kinda get the feeling that Squad Leader (Y/N) is fond of you, after all."

"You think?" Eren looked up hopefully at Krista as he dialed the number for HQ. The blonde smiled.

"I know so."

The conversation Eren had with (Y/N) was short and quick, as the moment the words "Squad Leader Robin" and "disappeared" were strung together in the same sentence, the atmosphere became tense.

"We'll be there right away. She's not in any serious trouble, I'm sure. Please hold on tight, and if you decide to search for her in the time being, split off into groups of 2 for safety. I'll see you in a bit. Stay safe, Eren."

With that, a tone signified that you had ended the call. Your words, he could still hear them echoing in his head....

"Stay safe, Eren."

"Should we break off into groups to look for her like Squad Leader (Y/N) suggested, then?" Reiner asked, jolting Eren back into reality as he dropped his phone back into his pocket.

"Yeah, we'll split into two." Ymir stood up. "This isn't a very big lobby, though it does have some rooms for business meetings stuff. You two can start searching some of the rooms and Krista and I will have a look outside around the block. If we don't find anything worth noting, we'll head back here and help you search. Sound good?"

"Sounds great."


The cool, brisk air never fails to chill an individual. It blew through Ymir's hair, making certain strands stand up on their own.

Krista was no better. The petite blonde was shivering, her teeth chattering.

"Let's make this quick," Ymir mumbled, rubbing her arms with her hands.

"Agreed," Krista said, turning the corner into one of the alleyways.

The moon was high in the night sky, half covered with a thin blanket of clouds. Even so, it still didn't provide much light. Ymir reached into her jacket pocket and produced a miniature flashlight, turning it on and aiming it on the ground a couple feet ahead of them, keeping it in place while they walked.

Ymir payed close attention to the way her breath was visible in the little light the moon did provide. For some reason, she found it soothing. Averting her eyes to Krista, who was too her left, a small smile spread across her face when she saw how the blonde was just as fascinated with being able to see her breath in the air as she was.

It was quiet. The way things had gone, after joining the Survey Corps, there had hardly been a moment where Ymir didn't experience something she wasn't familiar with, whether it be training or learning to cook. Then there was the horror of having to socialize with people outside of Krista, which had never gone too well. Neverless, it was quiet. Quiet and peaceful.

At least, for the time being, as Krista suddenly stopped in her tracks, her face paling. Immediately, Ymir furrowed her eyebrows.

"What?" The brunette demanded, concern evident in her tone. Krista extended a shaky finger, pointing to the beam of the flashlight.

The previously dull-colored concrete ground had burst into a grueling shade of dark red a few feet in front of them, the sickening color seemingly stained into the pavement. Ymir's eyes widened, her head tilting up.

"Ymir...." Krista mumbled, finger still shaking.

"It's blood," Ymir replied in a hoarse voice, half whispering as if someone was near them. Krista nodded slowly, eyes still wide as Ymir crouched down to examine it closer, flashlight beam trained on the same spot.

Ymir touched two delicate fingers to the red-stained concrete, retaliating slightly when it was still damp to the touch. She withdrew her hand and stood up.

"It's recently," she informed her blonde companion. Krista bit her lip.

"Ymir... do you think there's something up ahead of us?"

"There more than definitely is," the freckled girl replied solemnly. Krista hung her head.

"Do you think we'll regret finding out what it is?" the blonde said tensely in a much softer tone.

"I don't know, but we'll just have to see."

Reaching her arm out and wrapping it around the shorter girl's shoulders, Ymir pulled Krista to her side and held her tight as she slowly angled the flashlight to see what lied ahead of them.

The flashlight clattered to the ground, beam flickering before extinguishing completely.


Regarding future updates:

I wrote this story when I was 12. I am now 14 and have no plans to continue writing this, as I am not longer an anime addict and can no longer force myself to write. I am also rather embarrassed by the quality of my work from so long ago. 

I just decided to post these chapters because... why not? I honestly don't think anyone will even read these updates lmao it's been like a year since i added a new chapter.

This is all I have for the main storyline of Unity. I do have 3 side chapters, just comedic side stories that I may post if people actually pay attention to this lol

Despite not being a huge anime fan anymore, I cannot thank my readers enough. I believe that writing this story made my writing skills improve so much. If you take the first chapter and compare it to this chapter, the difference is truly amazing! So thank you for being an audience I can write to.

That's it from me.

Stay fabulous

Unity~ Eren x Reader x Levi (Modern AU)Where stories live. Discover now