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~Astia POV~

I held the knife at his throat. One move and he’d be dead. But part of me just didn’t want to do it.


It was true that he is technically my enemy, all of the Survey Corps is. But still, there’s something about him….


Maybe it’s because we have relatable pasts. Death, blood, gore everywhere. Yes, that had to be it.


But like I said, he’s an enemy. He must be eliminated.


I only just decided to apply pressure when I noticed something unusual about the cold-hearted man. His eyes were not closed nor locked onto mine, but flickering to his female comrade. The one who had been daring (and stupid) enough to jump down with him. I didn’t know her, but she was as good as dead. She was on the ground, surrounded by my Titans.


The Levi I knew wouldn't have cared. He would’ve feared his life above all other. Yet he was looking at this girl, eyes full of worry. Had he changed? Had she changed somehow changed the unchangeable?


Shaking my head at the thought, I slowly pushed the knife into his neck. A dribble of blood dripped down onto my hand, and the onyx haired man groaned in pain. Glancing one last time at his female comrade, he closed his eyes, as if accepting his death. I froze.


Was this really Levi? Would he ever really do that?


But then there was a flash. Many flashes, actually. Green streaks through the air. I turned my head quickly.


Now, outnumbering my men, were the Survey Corps. People were dying left and right, however, most of them were my people. They fought the Titans, half of them helping the brunette female and blonde male, and the other half defending the girl Levi seemed to care so much about.

Speaking of which, said girl was gone from her spot where she previously lay. Slightly furrowing my eyebrows, I turned my head to look for her current location, still slowly pressing my blade forward.


There was a sudden pain in my side, and I was on the ground. The knife flew out of my hands and onto the floor beside me, trailing blood the whole time. Reaching out to grab it, my fast moving hand was stopped by an even faster foot. Cringing, I looked up to see who it belonged to.


(H/L) (H/C) hair with (E/C) eyes, yes. There was no doubt that this was the girl that jumped down to face me with Levi. A resentful expression was plastered upon her face as she looked down at me. Levi, in the background, stood up.


“Who are you, Scout?” I hissed. She only pressed into my foot harder.


“I would normally ask the same thing, but I already know who you are, Astia. As of I, the name is Squad Leader (Y/N) (L/N).”


Squad leader….


Bending down to pick up the bloody knife I previously held, she studied it, foot still on my hand.


“I’ve heard quite a bit about you. Metza didn’t spare any details.” I flinched a little at the name, and she could see it. Her facial expression didn’t change. “I really have nothing to gain for teasing you, but I’ve enough about you to know that you’re bad. Bye now.”


She leaned down to press the knife to my own neck. There was only one thing I could do.


“ROBIN!” I gasped, turning my head to the right violently. My eyes bulged, as if I was witnessing something truly terrible. Sure enough, (Y/N) looked too. In fact, so did Levi.


Taking my chance, I kicked her off of me and dashed to the exit of the mall. Before I left, I turned around.


“ALL TITANS, RETREAT!” I yelled before turning to the door and leaving.


~Robin POV~

I was going to die.


There is a gun to my head, and I’m going to die.


That was all I could think.


“Any last words?” The Titan’s words echoed in my head. “Any last words?”


Taking a deep breath, I braced myself to die. But then there was a scream, and the cold metal gun was no longer against my head.




Looking up, I saw two Titans fall dead.



There goes the other two. Twisting around to see my saviour, I found myself face to face with no other than Commander Erwin Smith.


Despite my painful bleeding leg, I attempted to stand up. No prevail. Instead, I fell to the ground.


My vision turned a painful shade of orange, as if a filter had been applied to my eyes, and I started seeing white spots.


“Erwin….” I managed to breath out before my vision went black all together.


But just before I passed out, I was able to hear a voice.


“ALL TITANS, RETREAT!” It was Astia, I had no doubts.


The Titans were gone from the mall, and I was alive.

The question was, were my friends in the same condition?

Unity~ Eren x Reader x Levi (Modern AU)Where stories live. Discover now